Oh FREAK!! This is THE mother of all Q proofs. This is IT, frens. This thread needs a sticky.
I have been sitting here, basically trying to disprove this because .. you know ... too much hopium and not enough factium, but this guy has an entire album with Q songs. Here is the list (from you channel at yt) This is from his Sun 5 album. These were uploaded in Sept. of 2020. How did we miss this? I also checked, and yes, the song he calls wwg1wga is indeed the one played in Trump's video.
Hey, you would be the exact guy to answer this question. I've been in a state of shock over this. Going from numb to exhilarated. But the cautious side of me kicked in and I started to wonder, is there any chance this Feelgood guy just took some random songs from other people and named this one wwg1wga? I mean, even if he did, Trump still used it. But I was wondering if there was a way to check a song's attribution to verify it truly belongs to the person you think it does? With so many songs, I don't see how it's possible, but maybe there is a way I don't know of. Thanks.
He has two CDr releases listed both from 2017. Neither has WWG1WGA on it. One album is called Silver Clouds. YouTube image for this song indicates it's from "Silver Clouds 5". Without searching around for this guy (Bandcamp, SoundCloud, Google) I'd assume it's him.
People who "release" CDr releases in 2017 are typically independent solo artists just trying to get cataloged on discogs. 😉 These are the type of people who will often do a whole series of "CDrs" etc. Prolific, unsigned, of varying degrees of talent.
But to the point the MOST important part is Team Trump using this song - whatever it's true origin - due to its title.
Thank you for that research! I agree it was significant that Trump used it. My only thought was, could this actually be a song by someone else, with a totally different, unrelated name? And by happenstance (coincidence - ;o) ha!) the Trump team chooses this particular song, completely unaware that in 2020 this guy co-opted it to call it wwg1wga. That was just my overly cautious mind was thinking. But then, we know what Q said about coincidences. Anyway, I am confident you are right and that this is his material and that was what he named it. Thank you!
I thought that might have been a misunderstanding because he seems to be a foreign gentleman? Send, sent. Easy mistake for a non native speaker to make.
Oh FREAK!! This is THE mother of all Q proofs. This is IT, frens. This thread needs a sticky.
I have been sitting here, basically trying to disprove this because .. you know ... too much hopium and not enough factium, but this guy has an entire album with Q songs. Here is the list (from you channel at yt) This is from his Sun 5 album. These were uploaded in Sept. of 2020. How did we miss this? I also checked, and yes, the song he calls wwg1wga is indeed the one played in Trump's video.
I am numb.
richard feelgood 2
3:48 Dark Walk richard feelgood 3
5:21 Antifa Assholes richard feelgood 4
3:05 Walk to the Light richard feelgood 5
2:26 Adrenocrome Shit richard feelgood 6
2:50 Punisher richard feelgood 7
6:04 White Rabbit richard feelgood 8
3:21 White Hat Victory richard feelgood 9
3:03 I Am Q richard feelgood ▶
2:22 Wwg1wga richard feelgood
I agree.
I play around with DJing, and I'm often asking for track IDs, or using Shazam, etc.
I'm also very into messages in music whether it's lyrics, or simply song titles. It's underground railroad stuff - been going on forever.
Biggest Q proof to me, ever.
Thanks for your work and your post. Hyped! o7
Hey, you would be the exact guy to answer this question. I've been in a state of shock over this. Going from numb to exhilarated. But the cautious side of me kicked in and I started to wonder, is there any chance this Feelgood guy just took some random songs from other people and named this one wwg1wga? I mean, even if he did, Trump still used it. But I was wondering if there was a way to check a song's attribution to verify it truly belongs to the person you think it does? With so many songs, I don't see how it's possible, but maybe there is a way I don't know of. Thanks.
I'd like to add that the artist is also "verified" on Spotify with a blue checkmark. Released that album in 2020
Oh, thanks for that info.
I'm hopping around on mobile so not full detective mode here... But fair question
Found this on discogs:
He has two CDr releases listed both from 2017. Neither has WWG1WGA on it. One album is called Silver Clouds. YouTube image for this song indicates it's from "Silver Clouds 5". Without searching around for this guy (Bandcamp, SoundCloud, Google) I'd assume it's him.
People who "release" CDr releases in 2017 are typically independent solo artists just trying to get cataloged on discogs. 😉 These are the type of people who will often do a whole series of "CDrs" etc. Prolific, unsigned, of varying degrees of talent.
But to the point the MOST important part is Team Trump using this song - whatever it's true origin - due to its title.
Thank you for that research! I agree it was significant that Trump used it. My only thought was, could this actually be a song by someone else, with a totally different, unrelated name? And by happenstance (coincidence - ;o) ha!) the Trump team chooses this particular song, completely unaware that in 2020 this guy co-opted it to call it wwg1wga. That was just my overly cautious mind was thinking. But then, we know what Q said about coincidences. Anyway, I am confident you are right and that this is his material and that was what he named it. Thank you!
He also has one called Q send me. Wonder why he named it send instead of sent?
I thought that might have been a misunderstanding because he seems to be a foreign gentleman? Send, sent. Easy mistake for a non native speaker to make.