My Barometer for the Awakening is a Doomer Normie in his 60's, Big FAUX news follower. He would make Patriot.Win look like the Optimist Club. The "Recall Count" for Gascon...Was the Normie hill that he died on. I have been fielding sporadic Text Messages from him since this morning. As We know here...There were no I TOLD YOU So's, Did not rub his face in it, provided exact answers to his questions - did not add a Q drop... He May Not be sitting up in Bed Fully Awake, but his eyes are open. IF HE IS STARTING TO ASK QUESTIONS TO ME...We gotta be getting Close.
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I think tons are confused. Reality doesn't match their beloved TV. So then it boils down to do they accept living in a stupor of fear, confusion, or anger - OR do they swallow their pride & muster the courage to start looking for answers thru means unconventional to them - like us or their own research.
My barometer is Nov. It should easily be a red tsunami. That was xidens purpose. To " show people " , to piss off and scare as many as possible so they will get in the game, or switch parties, and vote MAGA.
If the white hats don't feel enough are awake this may continue on. Will fraud be suppressed enough in Nov for the rightful winners to win, or will they allow another theft to achieve their desired goals ?
It might come down to this. Have the people of the world suffered enough for them to make changes ?
" Only at the moment of destruction will people find the will to change " - Q.
To that I ask. " What if the system is so rigged we cannot make " changes " ? Sure we can make changes within ourselves, but not to a system that was designed to protect itself against us changing it.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK.
We're the only ones that can make changes. It's time for us to wake up to the fact they work at our behest and not the other way around.
Agree about the Rigging, although there is only sooo many times that they can stop the vote in the middle of the night, Or let an Election result drag on for days. I can see them cooking something up, to try to suspend voting for Mid-terms? BTW That is my Fav quote!
a few weeks ago a forever-normie friend of my parents was visiting and said she started to watch Fox News, because the ‘regular’ channels were just all saying the same thing, over and over and over again, and she thought she could at least get some other perspective from Fox.
Then begins the flood of information he will discover.