Because of Q, we know there will be many unpleasant truths that will be revealed to the public eventually --treason, child trafficking, our government behind school shootings, etc.
I've learned more about the left in recent years, and their level of mental gymnastics and narcissism is second to none. If it was revealed George Floyd murder was all faked or planned by the democrats, they would not care. They would act like it never happened because it "helped expose a serious problem."
I believe many would say the say the same if they learned their favorite politician was involved with child trafficking or sacrifices. Look at their devotion for abortion of all terms.
If all the world's climatologists admitted it was all a scam, they'll just shrug their shoulders and say "I like my electric car."
There are two truths they will not be able to mental gymnastic their way out of however-- voter fraud and the Covid Vaccine damage.
We don't know how or when the voter fraud proof will fully manifest itself, but we know it will. When this happens, the world view of the many on the left will be shattered. Yes, even with the confession and conviction of 2000 mules and their handlers, the NPC's will refuse to acknowledge there was anything wrong with the 2020 election.
But panic and realization will begin to settle in when the they see what the new layout looks like. We know from Lindell's report that there are many "blue states" that are actually "red." Rasmusen and other polling companies (if they're still around), will have to change their polling methods to accurately report the likely outcomes, and then the elections will follow. It will be evident to them that a "woke" candidate will never win another major election. Even Democrats will be forced to be "Make America Great" stances.
The NPC's will be howling to bring back Dominion and will probably be saying something like the previous vote counting techniques were important to protect the minority's right from mob rule.
Of course, the biggest thing to challenge the world of the left is if Vax damage continues to increase, and if this is publicly proved. In 18 months, we went from "vaccines are 100% effective" to "quadruple leaders test positive for Covid." Where will things be in another 18 months? Dr. Malone stated that the MRNA vaccine will destroy one's immune system. I believe we will begin to see some major illnesses this winter when normal virus season comes to USA and Europe.
I believe that by early 2024 (maybe sooner), we can start seeing public revelation and even Congressional hearings on how deadly the vaccines have been. This will be the biggest "I told you so" since the citizens of Troy warned the others not to bring that big wooden horse into their city.
The NPC's cannot just excuse this away or say "I didn't really believe in that anyhow." They cannot say "nobody really knew." There will be a history of blocking unvaccinated family members from their holidays. There will be a direct relationship between those who "trusted the science" and their medical issues. They most likely will have lost more loved ones than we have and are now have life threatening conditions because they trusted corrupt Big Pharma.
I certainly do not want to see this. I'd might be amused if a big red bump grew on the nose of all the vaccinated for a year and then fell off, but I certainly do not wish the death and medical issues to come to happen to anyone.
It will be very interesting to see the world trying to reconcile that the truckers of the world were proved to be much wiser in medical matters than the tens of thousands of doctors of the world.
I'm not living with them as neighbors or ceding them any part of this beautiful land. They either learn or kill themselves.
I'm in massachusetts and it is all around me. The cognitive dissonance in my own family is real. Maybe if we can stop the chemical poisoning then the part of the brain that can reason will awaken in them?
Those that chose the shot freely without coercion poisoned themselves willingly. Those that got it to keep their jobs are the ones i feel bad for. Anyone who willingly takes these deathjabs now deserve what happens. Their total belief in big government and the media, big pharma and celebrities will teach them the error of their thinking, the hard way. They might think they were lied to which they were but in the end they could have walked away but didn't.