a few problems with Cowan: he addresses a non medical audience who lack the science background to recognize the false claims. he mixes truth with falsehoods. his misquotes studies he uses to support his arguments, and makes misleading statements about the study conclusions. he uses straw men and/or reduces complex physiological process to a single feature, ignoring a dozen other variables involved in the process. he has not demonstrated his claims.
You say all that, and yet fail to provide a single example of your claims. So I will help you with this quest so you can make great contribution to this field.
First, kindly state what is/are the straw men he is using.
Second, I am listing the concrete claims he is making in this video. You can provide a concrete proof to invalidate any of these claims.
Claims you can disprove:
That, every virologist agrees that no one has ever taken just a sample of fluids from diseased patients and isolated just the viral particles.
That, all the papers that contain the title "Isolation and Purification of xyz Virus" actually do not do this but follow Ender's method.
That, Enders, the guy who first isolated measles virus did so after mixing fluids from a patient with a bunch of organic material such as cow milk etc, and added toxins and then finally added it to monkey kidney cells and demonstrated that the kidney cells disintegrated, and this was accepted as "purification and isolation of virus"
That Enders also added a note in his paper that there was no clear distinction in the results between the culture from a patient vs a control culture in this experiment
Each of these claims can be disproved by linking to a paper or a video of a
virologist saying the opposite of this claim.
** Note: Any response to this message that does not do either of the two things will be considered as acting in bad faith. **
I am truly curious though why kids seem to pass whatever from one person to the next. Having a large family, stuff does "run through" and take down one after the other with same symptoms, and is often apparently picked up from others say at church or when visiting extended family. I don't doubt for a second that the whole germ theory may need revised/discarded.
This is one of the unanswered questions (and believe me there are plenty of hypotheses, just none fully proven) and probably the reason is that for the last 70 years no one has been actually trying to research this in the correct scientific way.
Remember all the times before plandemic started when your kid catches a virus and you take them to the doctor and they say "Ah, it's a viral infection. Nothing can be done about it you have to let it run its course"
Even as a completely asleep person at that time, it always sounded fishy - like we can cure cancer but we cant cure common cold?
When all is done, we will have to rebuild everything from scratch, including Science.
Except it has been proven time in and time again from as early as the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic through several repeated studies that pathogens do not spread as Germ theory falsely claims. In addition, no virus has ever been isolated and purified to prove their existence. The word 'virus' is a Latin word meaning 'slime'; 'poison'. This should give you a clue as to 'why' this name was originally chosen, but has since been falsified into a 'zombie' Bogeyman lurking in every dark corner of society.
Here's another clue for you. Every pharmaceutical medicine on the market weakens the immune system. Another clue is that in 2021 due to the lock-downs, mothers were unable to vaccinate their toddles and newborns. SIDS dropped precipitously as a result and was the lowest on record.
Today, the most prevalent cause of disease is from environmental chemical toxins that attack the neurological system and cause auto-immune diseases. In 2002, Dr. Tom Mack of USC stated --
“My credentials include probably spending more time working up [analyses of] population-based outbreaks of smallpox than virtually anybody ever has.”
Mack then stated --
“If people are worried about endemic smallpox [long lingering or permanent presence of the disease in the population], it disappeared from this country not because of our mass herd immunity [derived from the vaccine]. It disappeared because of our economic development. And that’s why it disappeared from Europe and many other countries…[its disappearance is] not from universal vaccination.”
“The informed consent that you would have to prepare to vaccinate somebody in the public, if it’s honest, would have to say that dangers would exceed the benefits.” BOOM.
Now, you're going to instantly say, WAIT they mixed infected fluids with other fluids ... well, yes, that is how you isolate a virus. You making that a part of the whole virii don't exist narrative is BS because if you just pull a virus out of a body and throw it on a plate it will instantly die without a substrate to exist in long enough to image it. It's like saying Walls in houses don't exist, show me any house where they've managed to put up walls without using screws or nails, you won't find it. Screwing the boards to the studs is part of the process of a wall existing. With Viruses you need to be able to keep the thing alive long enough to image it, so they mostly use sterilized serum from cow's blood. Notice the word sterilized, that means it is essentially pasteurized and the viruses that may exist inside are killed so they can mix it with infected fluids and isolate the virus.
Claiming there are no viruses is the same ballpark as flat earth. For it to exist there would have to be millions and millions of people involved on a daily basis actively working to keep the lie active.
In college I studied agriculture and we would take samples from sick horses and study them under the extremely high powered microscope to determine what virus they had so it could be treated. I personally took blood from horses and prepared plates for viewing.
All the papers you linked that claim to isolate the virus, do exactly what Cowan explained in this video. They innoculate the sample with a bunch of other stuff, observe the cytopathic effect and claim they isolated the virus.
And the papers you linked that claim to sequence the virus, again do exactly what Cowan says they do. Break everything to pieces. Pick nucleotide strings, re-assemble it based on a template, and claim the genome has been sequenced.
Also everything you wrote actually agrees with what Cowan says as objective facts. Only your subjective belief that "this is how you isolate virus" is where you differ, and that is exactly what he says right in the beginning of the video.
I love this, because every time someone tries to debunk these theories, they end up bolstering it. This is how I started paying serious attention to these. Originally I had written it off as crap shit. So thanks for that (not you personally, but people such as yourself who had the same arguments with me a few months ago)
well, yes, that is how you isolate a virus.
Why ? Because a guy in 1954 did it that way after people spent 20 years looking for a virus in the electron microscope and failed?
It's like saying Walls in houses don't exist, show me any house where they've managed to put up walls without using screws or nails, you won't find it.
Thats an incorrect analogy. That would be correct if, say viruses came attached with some things that are required for their structural existence.
In your example, you are interested in walls, but they come attached to the house with screws. So in this example, isolating a virus is parallel to isolating the house.
If your point is that its impossible to isolate a virus for whatever reason, it does not matter what the reason is, then the answer is "With the current known techniques, we cannot isolate a virus, but we can infer its existence through indirect means" and at that point those indirect means becomes a subjective criteria. But the current science pretends that its an objective fact.
With Viruses you need to be able to keep the thing alive long enough to image it
_ infectious viral particles that can float or drift around in the air. Aerosols are emitted by a person infected with coronavirus — even one with no symptoms — when they talk, breathe, cough, or sneeze. Another person can breathe in these aerosols and become infected with the virus. Aerosolized coronavirus can remain in the air for up to three hours. A mask can help prevent that spread._
if they can stick around in the air for 3 hours without any nutrients, I am sue it can stick around for the time you are isolating it.
Notice the word sterilized, that means it is essentially pasteurized and the viruses that may exist inside are killed so they can mix it with infected fluids and isolate the virus.
This would have been a valid argument if Cowan claimed that cow milk contains viruses and are being detected. But thats not what he is saying. He is saying that what we are looking for are pieces of RNA, and even sterilised cow milk will contain the pieces of RNA belonging to the cells in the milk.
Claiming there are no viruses is the same ballpark as flat earth
This is a strawman argument.
Cowan never claimed viruses dont exist. He even talks about certain viruses in the ocean that have been isolated and observed under a microscope. His claim is that no one has proven that the entities claimed to be viruses are the entities that cause the diseases attributed to those viruses.
study them under the extremely high powered microscope to determine what virus they had so it could be treated
I am very interested in knowing what was the process you used to determine what virus the horses had. What exactly did you see on the slides? How did you determine what virus the horse had?
Clearly, you are ignorant as to what Cowan's argument is. Until you understand it and can express it IN YOUR OWN WORDS, you have nothing to say about the topic.
WAIT they mixed infected fluids with other fluids ... well, yes, that is how you isolate a virus.
And THAT is the POINT!
When you take genetic material from Subject A, and add genetic material from Subjects B, C, D, and E ... and you also POISON the mixture, such that it breaks down into small pieces ... and then you ARBITRARILY CLAIM that those broken down pieces ARE THE VIRUS ... then you have just engaged in scientific FRAUD.
THAT is the entire POINT.
And YOU don't get it.
if you just pull a virus out of a body and throw it on a plate it will instantly die without a substrate to exist in long enough to image it.
Claiming there are no viruses is the same ballpark as flat earth.
You are using a red herring, which is a logical fallacy, which means you are grasphing at straws ... because YOU do not understand the argument.
I am guessing that the reason you do not understand it is because you have been too fucking lazy to ACTUALLY listen to what Cowan has said.
But you can change that arrogant attitude. You can have a listen. Right now.
In college I studied agriculture and we would take samples from sick horses and study them under the extremely high powered microscope to determine what virus they had so it could be treated. I personally took blood from horses and prepared plates for viewing.
Annnnnd ... THERE we have it! The REASON you are ignorant of this subject is because you believe that what you learned years ago was the TRUTH ... and that is now locked in your brain as "truth." Therefore, you REFUSE to consider the possiblity that you are wrong, and that your professors were wrong -- and they were most likely wrong for the same reasons you are: arrogance of false superiority. That college degree has a lot of false power.
I have one, too, but I don't think of it as anything other than what it actually is (in reality): a piece of paper.
In your MIND, your degree says to you that you learned truth that 99% of the public does not know. In REALITY, your degree says you learned a false perspective of reality, that you do not understand, and it gives you "permission" in your own mind to ignore anything contrary.
Cognitive Dissonance, at its finest. Explains A LOT of what has been going on with doctors, nurses, police, judges, attorneys, politicians, teachers, and a large segment of society.
What people dont realise is, trying to understand is this field in science is dying for some real researchers to start working on. All we have is 70years of fake science and an alternate theory that no one has been able to do research on.
Literally some brave soul could discover a dozen new discoveries and go down in the history as the greatest scientist. And you could do that by either proving germ theory definitively, OR laying a foundation for proving an alternate theory.
And yet, all people do, even the ones who think they are redpilled is not even to engage in this debate but regurgiate crap.
Cowen has had open discussions with other medical peers to everyone and anyone who want to know the truth. He answers people's questions and will have debates with your so-called 'establish' (brainwashed) medical 'experts' any day.
I heard there's even a $250,000 reward for anyone who can show proof of the isolated Sars-cov2 'virus'. ISOLATED by Koch's postulate, not some mixed up cell culture they all use today and call it isolated.
YOU say there's an invisibly small live virus germ floating around infecting everyone then YOU need to prove it. So far, no one has. They've all simply assumed and lied about it being real.
a non medical audience who lack the science background to recognize the false claims
He expresses his ideas in plain langange. Nobody needs a medical degree to understand what he says. Maybe YOU do have a medical degree, which could explain why you don't understand.
he mixes truth with falsehoods
Vague statement with zero substance.
his misquotes studies he uses to support his arguments
Vague statement with zero substance.
makes misleading statements about the study conclusions
Vague statement with zero substance.
he uses straw men and/or reduces complex physiological process to a single feature
Vague statement with zero substance.
ignoring a dozen other variables involved in the process.
a few problems with Cowan: he addresses a non medical audience who lack the science background to recognize the false claims. he mixes truth with falsehoods. his misquotes studies he uses to support his arguments, and makes misleading statements about the study conclusions. he uses straw men and/or reduces complex physiological process to a single feature, ignoring a dozen other variables involved in the process. he has not demonstrated his claims.
You say all that, and yet fail to provide a single example of your claims. So I will help you with this quest so you can make great contribution to this field.
First, kindly state what is/are the straw men he is using.
Second, I am listing the concrete claims he is making in this video. You can provide a concrete proof to invalidate any of these claims.
Claims you can disprove:
That, every virologist agrees that no one has ever taken just a sample of fluids from diseased patients and isolated just the viral particles.
That, all the papers that contain the title "Isolation and Purification of xyz Virus" actually do not do this but follow Ender's method.
That, Enders, the guy who first isolated measles virus did so after mixing fluids from a patient with a bunch of organic material such as cow milk etc, and added toxins and then finally added it to monkey kidney cells and demonstrated that the kidney cells disintegrated, and this was accepted as "purification and isolation of virus"
That Enders also added a note in his paper that there was no clear distinction in the results between the culture from a patient vs a control culture in this experiment
Each of these claims can be disproved by linking to a paper or a video of a virologist saying the opposite of this claim.
** Note: Any response to this message that does not do either of the two things will be considered as acting in bad faith. **
I am truly curious though why kids seem to pass whatever from one person to the next. Having a large family, stuff does "run through" and take down one after the other with same symptoms, and is often apparently picked up from others say at church or when visiting extended family. I don't doubt for a second that the whole germ theory may need revised/discarded.
This is one of the unanswered questions (and believe me there are plenty of hypotheses, just none fully proven) and probably the reason is that for the last 70 years no one has been actually trying to research this in the correct scientific way.
Remember all the times before plandemic started when your kid catches a virus and you take them to the doctor and they say "Ah, it's a viral infection. Nothing can be done about it you have to let it run its course"
Even as a completely asleep person at that time, it always sounded fishy - like we can cure cancer but we cant cure common cold?
When all is done, we will have to rebuild everything from scratch, including Science.
The reason that happens is because it is a virus, it spreads slowly for some, more quickly for others depending on exposure and health.
Except it has been proven time in and time again from as early as the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic through several repeated studies that pathogens do not spread as Germ theory falsely claims. In addition, no virus has ever been isolated and purified to prove their existence. The word 'virus' is a Latin word meaning 'slime'; 'poison'. This should give you a clue as to 'why' this name was originally chosen, but has since been falsified into a 'zombie' Bogeyman lurking in every dark corner of society.
Here's another clue for you. Every pharmaceutical medicine on the market weakens the immune system. Another clue is that in 2021 due to the lock-downs, mothers were unable to vaccinate their toddles and newborns. SIDS dropped precipitously as a result and was the lowest on record.
Today, the most prevalent cause of disease is from environmental chemical toxins that attack the neurological system and cause auto-immune diseases. In 2002, Dr. Tom Mack of USC stated --
“My credentials include probably spending more time working up [analyses of] population-based outbreaks of smallpox than virtually anybody ever has.”
Mack then stated --
My wife works in the medical field and there are multiple examples of scientists isolating SARS-CoV-2:
And here's where they sequenced the full genome of the covid virus:
And, here is isolated imagery of the virus: https://www.flickr.com/photos/niaid/albums/72157712914621487/with/49557785797/
Now, you're going to instantly say, WAIT they mixed infected fluids with other fluids ... well, yes, that is how you isolate a virus. You making that a part of the whole virii don't exist narrative is BS because if you just pull a virus out of a body and throw it on a plate it will instantly die without a substrate to exist in long enough to image it. It's like saying Walls in houses don't exist, show me any house where they've managed to put up walls without using screws or nails, you won't find it. Screwing the boards to the studs is part of the process of a wall existing. With Viruses you need to be able to keep the thing alive long enough to image it, so they mostly use sterilized serum from cow's blood. Notice the word sterilized, that means it is essentially pasteurized and the viruses that may exist inside are killed so they can mix it with infected fluids and isolate the virus.
Claiming there are no viruses is the same ballpark as flat earth. For it to exist there would have to be millions and millions of people involved on a daily basis actively working to keep the lie active.
In college I studied agriculture and we would take samples from sick horses and study them under the extremely high powered microscope to determine what virus they had so it could be treated. I personally took blood from horses and prepared plates for viewing.
All the papers you linked that claim to isolate the virus, do exactly what Cowan explained in this video. They innoculate the sample with a bunch of other stuff, observe the cytopathic effect and claim they isolated the virus.
And the papers you linked that claim to sequence the virus, again do exactly what Cowan says they do. Break everything to pieces. Pick nucleotide strings, re-assemble it based on a template, and claim the genome has been sequenced.
Also everything you wrote actually agrees with what Cowan says as objective facts. Only your subjective belief that "this is how you isolate virus" is where you differ, and that is exactly what he says right in the beginning of the video.
I love this, because every time someone tries to debunk these theories, they end up bolstering it. This is how I started paying serious attention to these. Originally I had written it off as crap shit. So thanks for that (not you personally, but people such as yourself who had the same arguments with me a few months ago)
Why ? Because a guy in 1954 did it that way after people spent 20 years looking for a virus in the electron microscope and failed?
Thats an incorrect analogy. That would be correct if, say viruses came attached with some things that are required for their structural existence.
In your example, you are interested in walls, but they come attached to the house with screws. So in this example, isolating a virus is parallel to isolating the house.
If your point is that its impossible to isolate a virus for whatever reason, it does not matter what the reason is, then the answer is "With the current known techniques, we cannot isolate a virus, but we can infer its existence through indirect means" and at that point those indirect means becomes a subjective criteria. But the current science pretends that its an objective fact.
From: https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/coronavirus-resource-center
_ infectious viral particles that can float or drift around in the air. Aerosols are emitted by a person infected with coronavirus — even one with no symptoms — when they talk, breathe, cough, or sneeze. Another person can breathe in these aerosols and become infected with the virus. Aerosolized coronavirus can remain in the air for up to three hours. A mask can help prevent that spread._
if they can stick around in the air for 3 hours without any nutrients, I am sue it can stick around for the time you are isolating it.
This would have been a valid argument if Cowan claimed that cow milk contains viruses and are being detected. But thats not what he is saying. He is saying that what we are looking for are pieces of RNA, and even sterilised cow milk will contain the pieces of RNA belonging to the cells in the milk.
This is a strawman argument.
Cowan never claimed viruses dont exist. He even talks about certain viruses in the ocean that have been isolated and observed under a microscope. His claim is that no one has proven that the entities claimed to be viruses are the entities that cause the diseases attributed to those viruses.
I am very interested in knowing what was the process you used to determine what virus the horses had. What exactly did you see on the slides? How did you determine what virus the horse had?
That's just foolish.
We've seen this copy-and-paste nonsense on GAW before.
I doubt you have read any of those papers, and do not understand any of it.
Explain IN YOUR OWN WORDS what Cowan's argument is.
THEN, we can talk about the fake links you provided.
Ohhh ... artist's drawings! How impressive!
Here are some more drawings of "real stuff" that you might like:
Clearly, you are ignorant as to what Cowan's argument is. Until you understand it and can express it IN YOUR OWN WORDS, you have nothing to say about the topic.
And THAT is the POINT!
When you take genetic material from Subject A, and add genetic material from Subjects B, C, D, and E ... and you also POISON the mixture, such that it breaks down into small pieces ... and then you ARBITRARILY CLAIM that those broken down pieces ARE THE VIRUS ... then you have just engaged in scientific FRAUD.
THAT is the entire POINT.
And YOU don't get it.
You are using a red herring, which is a logical fallacy, which means you are grasphing at straws ... because YOU do not understand the argument.
I am guessing that the reason you do not understand it is because you have been too fucking lazy to ACTUALLY listen to what Cowan has said.
But you can change that arrogant attitude. You can have a listen. Right now.
Annnnnd ... THERE we have it! The REASON you are ignorant of this subject is because you believe that what you learned years ago was the TRUTH ... and that is now locked in your brain as "truth." Therefore, you REFUSE to consider the possiblity that you are wrong, and that your professors were wrong -- and they were most likely wrong for the same reasons you are: arrogance of false superiority. That college degree has a lot of false power.
I have one, too, but I don't think of it as anything other than what it actually is (in reality): a piece of paper.
In your MIND, your degree says to you that you learned truth that 99% of the public does not know. In REALITY, your degree says you learned a false perspective of reality, that you do not understand, and it gives you "permission" in your own mind to ignore anything contrary.
Cognitive Dissonance, at its finest. Explains A LOT of what has been going on with doctors, nurses, police, judges, attorneys, politicians, teachers, and a large segment of society.
Thank you for articulately replying to those sweeping attacks.
That's all they ever do. Act in bad faith.
They got nothin'.
What people dont realise is, trying to understand is this field in science is dying for some real researchers to start working on. All we have is 70years of fake science and an alternate theory that no one has been able to do research on.
Literally some brave soul could discover a dozen new discoveries and go down in the history as the greatest scientist. And you could do that by either proving germ theory definitively, OR laying a foundation for proving an alternate theory.
And yet, all people do, even the ones who think they are redpilled is not even to engage in this debate but regurgiate crap.
Cowen has had open discussions with other medical peers to everyone and anyone who want to know the truth. He answers people's questions and will have debates with your so-called 'establish' (brainwashed) medical 'experts' any day.
I heard there's even a $250,000 reward for anyone who can show proof of the isolated Sars-cov2 'virus'. ISOLATED by Koch's postulate, not some mixed up cell culture they all use today and call it isolated.
YOU say there's an invisibly small live virus germ floating around infecting everyone then YOU need to prove it. So far, no one has. They've all simply assumed and lied about it being real.
He expresses his ideas in plain langange. Nobody needs a medical degree to understand what he says. Maybe YOU do have a medical degree, which could explain why you don't understand.
Vague statement with zero substance.
Vague statement with zero substance.
Vague statement with zero substance.
Vague statement with zero substance.
Vague statement with zero substance.
YOU have said absolutely nothing of substance.
Also, you don't even write like an adult.