Many people WORLDWIDE still consider Russia is the Soviet Union. That ended in 1989 at the instigation of Mikhail Gorbachev. President Reagan uttered those famous words. ‘Mr Gorbachev. Tear down this wall! Russia is NOT communist. It’s taken years but bit by bit Russia is cleaning out those that destroyed her. In fact, in 1993 under a new Constitution, Russia became a Democratic, federative, law based state. In fact their Constitution states that ‘No ideology may be established as a state or obligatory one’. That also includes religion. Russia is more Democratic toward its people than ANY western nation where the West are ushering in at lightning speed totalitarianism. Now people might understand why the rabid left wanted to destroy Russia.
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That's why I'm torn on teaching kids about islam. Do we destroy all evidence that the ideology ever existed, and not teach about it openly except when asked about it, or do we give people a real education on it and how it's completely incompatible with free human nature?
Knowledge is inevitable. Teach it, and give it the context that bad teachers won't. There is nothing so gross or evil that it is not worth knowing about someday, if only to recognize and reject it.
It should be taught but truthfully. Today we are experiencing a huge surge in schools to teach CRT and a woke/trans agenda. To me that is much more dangerous. Islam would not stand for that. Any religion (including the Green Agenda) should be examined along what Christ did on the cross. Did God raise, Mohammed, Buddha, Jim Jones, Ron Hubbard, Joseph Smith, from the dead? No. But He raised Jesus Christ. Within those teachings, it brings up those that worship CREATION instead of the CREATOR. The Green Agenda has become a cult. A very dangerous cult. Look at Europe. Those leaders that have taken their populations down this path are going to experience mass genocide as people die due to not having heating. Heating that God Himself provides. The cold kills more than 7 times compared to heat. These leaders because of the depopulation (VAX) agenda, are killing millions worldwide. Putin stood up to them, Gaddafi and others were no so lucky. Putin stopped the genocide of Russian people in the Donbas and the worlds leaders threw every sanction they could at him and the Russian people. He made ONE STIPULATION. Pay for Russias gas with gold or the Ruble or you don’t get any. Many thought he was joking. Putin never jokes. The ignorance and the arrogance of the West will be learned about in history books for generations.