Another portrait? What happened to that green leafy attrocity he already had done? And now this one.... it's not a bad portrait it is just boring. Monochromatic except for the head. Good Lord. Obama has no taste. Why didn't he have a more traditional oil painting portrait done. Oh no, he has to be "different" yeah ok
I think he and Big Mike got PUNKED big time on their original official portraits. I used to watch their reactions over and over because it was so funny. They knew they were Godawful and there was nothing they could do about it in that unveiling ceremony. I would love to know who pulled that off. :D
White hats. When was that? I looked it up, 2/12/2018. So I looked up Q posts from that day. Funny enough Q posted about Clinton, Bill, in NK and that picture of him with the leader of NK sitting in chairs on a flowered carpet. Q asked about flowers/gardens and deflowering and what does that mean. What a coincidence. The same day O's shrub portrait is unveiled Q is talking about deflowering. Haha, bet the usurper was surprised at the portrait with a sperm on his face.
Black and White, simple background. It does remind one of all the Corporate logos that have become illogically more and more "simple". That was decoded to mean these companies signaling getting out of the whole Clown World game of trafficking/blackmail/surveillance.
Recently many companies have made the same meme tweet that goes like, United Airlines tweeting "planes", Pepsi tweeting "soda". Again, invoking simplification Comms.
Note Robert Downey Jr. turning his avatar black and white earlier this year and donning a secret agent attire.
This was around the same time as he talked at length with John Kerry about being appointed as the “Special Presidential Envoy Climate” – SPEC
Before I get into the interview it’s important to note that Downey going black and white is meaningful. A comm I decoded to mean ops being run with no ambiguity in relation to the CIA. Note the CIA also changed to this earlier this year.
Another portrait? What happened to that green leafy attrocity he already had done? And now this one.... it's not a bad portrait it is just boring. Monochromatic except for the head. Good Lord. Obama has no taste. Why didn't he have a more traditional oil painting portrait done. Oh no, he has to be "different" yeah ok
I think he and Big Mike got PUNKED big time on their original official portraits. I used to watch their reactions over and over because it was so funny. They knew they were Godawful and there was nothing they could do about it in that unveiling ceremony. I would love to know who pulled that off. :D
White hats. When was that? I looked it up, 2/12/2018. So I looked up Q posts from that day. Funny enough Q posted about Clinton, Bill, in NK and that picture of him with the leader of NK sitting in chairs on a flowered carpet. Q asked about flowers/gardens and deflowering and what does that mean. What a coincidence. The same day O's shrub portrait is unveiled Q is talking about deflowering. Haha, bet the usurper was surprised at the portrait with a sperm on his face.
I forgot about that facial thing LoL
Big Mike doesn't forget "the facial" thing.
must be hell carrying that frame around everywhere 😏
Finally admitting the green new deal is bullshit?
I believe the more direct symbology is Obama in a “BUSH”.
So now that he is not in a Bush may mean he has come clean?
Black and White, simple background. It does remind one of all the Corporate logos that have become illogically more and more "simple". That was decoded to mean these companies signaling getting out of the whole Clown World game of trafficking/blackmail/surveillance.
Recently many companies have made the same meme tweet that goes like, United Airlines tweeting "planes", Pepsi tweeting "soda". Again, invoking simplification Comms.
" Note Robert Downey Jr. turning his avatar black and white earlier this year and donning a secret agent attire.
This was around the same time as he talked at length with John Kerry about being appointed as the “Special Presidential Envoy Climate” – SPEC
Before I get into the interview it’s important to note that Downey going black and white is meaningful. A comm I decoded to mean ops being run with no ambiguity in relation to the CIA. Note the CIA also changed to this earlier this year.
01/01/2021 CIA logo changed to Black & White this year. A “new look” “Discover CIA”
Note the same day the CIA went black and white, so did Robert Downey Jr by donning all whites and fighting in a black pool."
It's funny. Monochromatic is often a faux pas, like wearing a fully black suit to a casual or semi-formal event, where charcoal would be better.
The fact that even the tie doesn't offer a splash of color is even more noticeable as a fashion no-no.
Some people can pull off the monochromatic look. I'm not sure Obama is capable. Certainly not in a two piece, definitely not on a white background.
This fren knows style
I dont think it looks like the idiot demon ! The left side of his face looks like he has a face tattoo , wth