posted ago by ProudOfAmerica ago by ProudOfAmerica +313 / -2

Q talked about 'military planning' a lot. And early on, in Q-post #26, Q even said ‘The only way is the military’. But he only said that once.

But NINETEEN other times, Q said that the 'only way forward' (or the ‘only way to restore trust’) was based on some combination of truth, transparency, disclosure, and (yes) accountability and prosecution. Nineteen times!

Q-post #4550 says ’Enough must see. It is the only way’.

The 'only way' is a Great Awakening.

You may not have the resources to ‘hire billboards’ or ‘fight lawsuits’ – but we can all wake people up, even if it’s one at a time.

Speak truth. Plant seeds.

Help save the world.