posted ago by Hing ago by Hing +178 / -0

I live in a European country with double digit inflation and crippling energy prices so we might be further along than the US in the "people must be shown" phase. Everyone is pissed and the first protests about cost of living are happening.

Now, suddenly, the front page of the dirtiest cabal rag is full of hit-pieces about government corruption. Taking bribes, paying for private companies or apartments with public money, being assigned to high positions of power with no prior experience or proper procedures, journalists taking orders from the government, it's all coming out like a torrent. Every time they try to justify themselves, another hit-piece arrives, exposing more corruption.

Meanwhile the government is saying ridiculous things like we should shut down large companies to save power and being laughed out of the room. I'm sure this is only the beginning but their narratives are dying and pain is coming. I expect much of the same in the US soon.