Go to Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles . He was a translator of the inter linear bibles for the Vatican. He is an expert in old hebrew Greek Latin etc and these are his discoveries...not only him I might add ..but others have read the stone tablets of the annanuki as the elohim in Sumeria etc were known as and the bibles themselves to realise the trutH We were invaded by aliens who wanted to be worshipped as gods ...
No one in their right mind can believe Jonah lived in a whale for three days!! It was a submarine that took him to Nineveh on official business by yahweh..who was the governor of the tribe of Jacob whose testament of what happened when they were invaded you now read as the word of the creator of all worlds galaX IES and universes..not so.
Over 240 came down on mount Hebron.from ..their mother ship. The Mahabharatas talk of this as do many other scriptures. Their god Krishna,was one of them.
ELyon their leader gave them the territories to govern..there was constant wars.
MikaEL was an archangel..axmilitary position..the cherubim were robots..there were gavriELs who did artificial insemination on barren women..Sarah wife of Abraham..
They were all ELs..elohim..not gods.
Yahweh drank six litres of fortified wine a day..that's in the Jewish records..he made over 630 commandments for the tribe of Jacob...they had to be circumscised to show they belonged to him. He put the firstborn child and animal to show he was the lord
They were not our creators..they cloned eves from Adams they placed in gan dins..protected place..laboratories.
Go and readcpzul Wallis ..he was an archbishop teachers priests etc and delving into creation myths and translating he too came on the truth
The Jews didn't have a word for eternity..th word olam is an indefinite period of time.
Ruach was not holy spirit but their craft hovering over the land and water.
They were not mortal..even in hxbible they show they died.
They talk of the sky council n he Bible..
There were 27 different types of flying vehicle. The one in ezikiel NASA copied ..it's a space shuttle
The elohim were very tall albino like skin very clear very pale eys and blond or reddish hair...this is what Enoch looked like..a hybrid of them. They took him when they left
Go to Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles . He was a translator of the inter linear bibles for the Vatican. He is an expert in old hebrew Greek Latin etc and these are his discoveries...not only him I might add ..but others have read the stone tablets of the annanuki as the elohim in Sumeria etc were known as and the bibles themselves to realise the trutH We were invaded by aliens who wanted to be worshipped as gods ...
No one in their right mind can believe Jonah lived in a whale for three days!! It was a submarine that took him to Nineveh on official business by yahweh..who was the governor of the tribe of Jacob whose testament of what happened when they were invaded you now read as the word of the creator of all worlds galaX IES and universes..not so.
Over 240 came down on mount Hebron.from ..their mother ship. The Mahabharatas talk of this as do many other scriptures. Their god Krishna,was one of them.
ELyon their leader gave them the territories to govern..there was constant wars.
MikaEL was an archangel..axmilitary position..the cherubim were robots..there were gavriELs who did artificial insemination on barren women..Sarah wife of Abraham..
They were all ELs..elohim..not gods.
Yahweh drank six litres of fortified wine a day..that's in the Jewish records..he made over 630 commandments for the tribe of Jacob...they had to be circumscised to show they belonged to him. He put the firstborn child and animal to show he was the lord
They were not our creators..they cloned eves from Adams they placed in gan dins..protected place..laboratories.
Go and readcpzul Wallis ..he was an archbishop teachers priests etc and delving into creation myths and translating he too came on the truth
The Jews didn't have a word for eternity..th word olam is an indefinite period of time.
Ruach was not holy spirit but their craft hovering over the land and water.
They were not mortal..even in hxbible they show they died.
They talk of the sky council n he Bible..
There were 27 different types of flying vehicle. The one in ezikiel NASA copied ..it's a space shuttle
The elohim were very tall albino like skin very clear very pale eys and blond or reddish hair...this is what Enoch looked like..a hybrid of them. They took him when they left
Well submarines do travel underwzter
Perhaps they didn't care....and are you talking about the river as it is now?