I make a deal with the kidnapper… We’re going to share life stories, if my life has been worse than his has been; Then he has to let me go.
We would opine on how screwed up the world is, and how bad life has been. By the time I got done telling him my life story, he would definitely send me back. If not, I would thank him for killing me. Since I’ve been suicidal my entire life, up until recently, I would just say thank you - because now I don’t have to deal with killing myself, he could just do it for me. Suicide is a luxury! I would just ask one favor… If you’re going to kill and rape me, can you do it in that order.
The list of tournaments that I have endured, would make anybody wanna give me back. One topic in particular I would be discussing is how I know my husband‘s mother murdered him. Between my daughter and I, we are 95% sure that’s a true fact. To this day she walks free.
Oh and also the time a friend of mine had a miscarriage in my toilet, once I got her safely into my vehicle to take her to the emergency room, I had to go to the toilet, scoop the baby out and put it in a Tupperware container. We drove to the hospital together. It was one of the most horrific experiences of my life.
Perhaps this would be the time that the kidnapper and I would discuss picking her up instead. LOL!
Thanks for the support Fred. But the last two years I worked really hard at finding a great treatment for depression. It’s called ketamine infusions. It’s changed my life. But also… I’ve given my life back to the Lord, I’ve completely surrendered everything to him, and I can actually say I am a happy person now. Took me 58 years, but finally arrived. There are some days where I really still feel like this world is not worth being a part of, but it’s nothing like it used to be. It was pretty bad stuff. I felt like my life has been a training ground for everything that’s happening in the world right now. I’ve finally found peace joy and love, and contentment of all things during I think one of the worst times in our history. Thank you for your uplifting reply.
I make a deal with the kidnapper… We’re going to share life stories, if my life has been worse than his has been; Then he has to let me go.
We would opine on how screwed up the world is, and how bad life has been. By the time I got done telling him my life story, he would definitely send me back. If not, I would thank him for killing me. Since I’ve been suicidal my entire life, up until recently, I would just say thank you - because now I don’t have to deal with killing myself, he could just do it for me. Suicide is a luxury! I would just ask one favor… If you’re going to kill and rape me, can you do it in that order.
The list of tournaments that I have endured, would make anybody wanna give me back. One topic in particular I would be discussing is how I know my husband‘s mother murdered him. Between my daughter and I, we are 95% sure that’s a true fact. To this day she walks free.
Oh and also the time a friend of mine had a miscarriage in my toilet, once I got her safely into my vehicle to take her to the emergency room, I had to go to the toilet, scoop the baby out and put it in a Tupperware container. We drove to the hospital together. It was one of the most horrific experiences of my life.
Perhaps this would be the time that the kidnapper and I would discuss picking her up instead. LOL!
After all that… Wouldn’t you send me back?
Well done for being able to talk about that stuff! May you always have someone to talk to to dissipate the pain.
I would send you back with a contact number just in case there's a time you can't find anyone ta talk to. I'd be a rubbish kidnapper!
Thanks for the support Fred. But the last two years I worked really hard at finding a great treatment for depression. It’s called ketamine infusions. It’s changed my life. But also… I’ve given my life back to the Lord, I’ve completely surrendered everything to him, and I can actually say I am a happy person now. Took me 58 years, but finally arrived. There are some days where I really still feel like this world is not worth being a part of, but it’s nothing like it used to be. It was pretty bad stuff. I felt like my life has been a training ground for everything that’s happening in the world right now. I’ve finally found peace joy and love, and contentment of all things during I think one of the worst times in our history. Thank you for your uplifting reply.
You are welcome!
PS I love the word rubbish!
All I do is watch British murder mysteries on BritBox and acorn for the past six months.
Ta Ra