posted ago by Veryslick ago by Veryslick +17 / -0

I've been a lurker here for a while, first post. Please be gentile...

I just found this out listening in on my wife's conference call during their end of call trivia. Apparently 17 is an unlucky number in Italy.

"In Italy, 17 is considered an unlucky number. One anagram of the Roman numeral XVII is VIXI, which in Latin translates as "I have lived", with the implication "My life is over" or "I'm dead". Some Alitalia planes have no row 17, some Italian hotels have no room 17. The 17th curve at the Cesana bobsled run at last year's Winter Olympics in Turin was "Senza Nome", or "Without a name"."

From just one quick search of many. https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/european/bad-omen-for-italy-as-their-unlucky-number-comes-up-400380.html

The number keeps coming up, does it have to do with the pope or connections with Italy and stolen 2020 elections? I have not seen anything.