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Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
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Consciousness is energy made of complicated vibrations. Everything in this universe has the same vibrations and the universe itself is a sum total of all these vibrations.
So every object has some amount of consciousness including the Sun.
The Universe itself is the Universal Consciousness that we are all part of.
Spiritual awakening is nothing but being able to connect and perceive this Universal Consciousness.
I like it. I like it alot.
This part I am not so sure, but I keep coming to this hint from multiple directions.
I believe the thing that the Cabal (and whoever is controlling) is stopping us from is firstly, to be able to connect to the UC (this part is fairly obvious), but also to learn how our conscious can be eternal (perhaps linked to the first part, perhaps separate, I dont know).
Just love the way you put that..I am going to write it down