Hear me out in this early bird thought of mine
You're an eugenicist, you only want the physically best amongst humans to survive (exceptions made for the fat, rotten, adrenochrome-guzzling billionaires that bankroll you and their more-inbred-than-the-House-of-Hapsburg-living-in-Alabama families of course)
So you make up a drug to kill and sterilize as much people as possible, and the mockingbird media and the jackboots will do their part to force as many as possible to take it.
Aaaaaand it's killing young, athletic and perfectly healthy individuals while the 400-lb neon-haired SJW's with a permanent double IV drip of Ben'n'Jerries and the malnourished vegan soyboys are still out there.
Makes even less of a sense if you're a white supremacist, in which case the shots should be completely decimating places like South America, South-East Asia, China and India.
What gives ?
The answer might lie in who did not get the mRNA vaccines. Let's say you are not just a eugenicist but also a conqueror who has a preference in the outcome of a future physical war. You might give Satan's death squirt to the side you wanted to be unfit to fight. So, who did not use mRNA technology in their vaccines? China, Russia, Iran have not used mRNA vaccines.
Our military has been utterly decimated by diet/lifestyle of military aged men , removal of traditional masculine ideology, reduction in absolute numbers, and now the vaccine. Our food production facilities are being systematically destroyed. We are currently eating down reserves instead of newly packaged products. Logistics for goods are being manipulated. Farm animals and crops are being discarded. Farmers are being forced out of business. Wildfires are being set. Lunatics and criminals are being released and encouraged in our most populated areas by Soros supported DAs and lawmakers. We may already be in a hot war, but only one side is fighting.