Both these vids will scramble your reality. Studying the past is the best way to learn about our future. These vids (plus some others) are why I went to Egypt for 9 months.
Thanks for sharing this. It reminds me of the Golden Ratio. I have studied Freemasonry and a lot of the "footwork" retains teachings of this information. I always held the theory that ancient civilizations were trying to warn future civilizations about reoccurring cycles our planet goes through.
We wont know for sure unless it happens is where I am at with it all. The CIA declassified "Adam and Eve Story" is a trip. Good luck on your discernment journey.
Wow I thought I was the only one into these. It's so hard to get people to look into this, it's so out there. This is what the Flat Earth rejects should be looking into, not flat whatever bullshit. These are the two feature documentaries they did. The rest of the channel is kinda dead if you're not into it. But, if you want to understand ages and ages of ancient symbology, this is one of the most interesting introductions to this. Literal "whoa" for me here, seeing this.
How about a different direction
Ok thanks cats5. I'll go check these out right now. ✅
Both these vids will scramble your reality. Studying the past is the best way to learn about our future. These vids (plus some others) are why I went to Egypt for 9 months.
Thanks for sharing this. It reminds me of the Golden Ratio. I have studied Freemasonry and a lot of the "footwork" retains teachings of this information. I always held the theory that ancient civilizations were trying to warn future civilizations about reoccurring cycles our planet goes through.
Is this cycle the NCSWIC moment? Are the poles flipping, or is that DS propaganda?
We wont know for sure unless it happens is where I am at with it all. The CIA declassified "Adam and Eve Story" is a trip. Good luck on your discernment journey.
Wow I thought I was the only one into these. It's so hard to get people to look into this, it's so out there. This is what the Flat Earth rejects should be looking into, not flat whatever bullshit. These are the two feature documentaries they did. The rest of the channel is kinda dead if you're not into it. But, if you want to understand ages and ages of ancient symbology, this is one of the most interesting introductions to this. Literal "whoa" for me here, seeing this.