How is saying "Obama is from Kenya" racist? That was your imagination and it was wrong.
The psychodynamics prevalent on this page has the accusation of being a Mossad agent as the precursor for vilification of Israel, and then of Jews in general. Notice I had no problem with presentation of evidence---which has never been provided in the case of Alex Jones. Don't get me wrong; I don't like Alex Jones. But the reasons for not liking him are sufficiently available from his behavior and owe nothing to being a Mossad agent.
You chose an interesting hill to die on, throwing around anti Semite and sticking up for the Kenyan.
How is saying "Obama is from Kenya" racist? That was your imagination and it was wrong.
The psychodynamics prevalent on this page has the accusation of being a Mossad agent as the precursor for vilification of Israel, and then of Jews in general. Notice I had no problem with presentation of evidence---which has never been provided in the case of Alex Jones. Don't get me wrong; I don't like Alex Jones. But the reasons for not liking him are sufficiently available from his behavior and owe nothing to being a Mossad agent.