Same. The most recent piece of my awakening was seeing modern medicine for what it is. No more vaxxes for me, and zero for my son who’s due any day now.
Yup seeing modern medicine for what it is was my last red pill. My distrust of doctors was complete at my last yearly physical when questioning my otherwise based doctor on the "covid". Although he is fully aware of the political situation with the tyrants in our government, he is also fully onboard with the "covid" protocols and made ridiculous attempts at "debunking" my questioning of the narrative.
My last doctor almost killed me prescribing an anxiety med that’s typically avoided as it can cause racing suicidal thoughts, brain fog, etc…well it caused those for me, HORRIBLY. My husband had to hold me for an hour while my brain slowed down, then threw the whole bottle in the trash and took the bag out. I’m not so anxious I’ll risk death to “fix it”. Healthy coping mechanisms for the win. Screw big pharma.
I went from mildly anti-vaxxer to HELL NO OVER MY DEAD BODY ANTI-VAXXER in just 2 years.
Same. The most recent piece of my awakening was seeing modern medicine for what it is. No more vaxxes for me, and zero for my son who’s due any day now.
Yup seeing modern medicine for what it is was my last red pill. My distrust of doctors was complete at my last yearly physical when questioning my otherwise based doctor on the "covid". Although he is fully aware of the political situation with the tyrants in our government, he is also fully onboard with the "covid" protocols and made ridiculous attempts at "debunking" my questioning of the narrative.
My last doctor almost killed me prescribing an anxiety med that’s typically avoided as it can cause racing suicidal thoughts, brain fog, etc…well it caused those for me, HORRIBLY. My husband had to hold me for an hour while my brain slowed down, then threw the whole bottle in the trash and took the bag out. I’m not so anxious I’ll risk death to “fix it”. Healthy coping mechanisms for the win. Screw big pharma.