An unknown number of Twitter employees are circulating an open letter to Elon musk demanding they be allowed to keep all their jobs, pick journalistic and geopolitical winners and losers, and retain all their employment benefits...
The participation trophy generation...🙄😎

Fyi, Twitter employs a huge amount of visa workers that will need to find new sponsorships quick or be deported.
Even better, deport them all.
Fat chance of that. Once people get here, by visa deals or visitors visas, they never get deported and they never leave.
Foreign anon here: so they don't even have to apply for US citizenship or make some test of US history,english and so on ?
That would be racist!!
Just get an education Visa and you can stay forever
if all you wanna do is live and work here, you can apply for what's called a work visa, and so long as you can keep a job, you can stay.
...If you want voting rights, you can move to cali or DC(not sure they'll get away with it...), or apply for citizenship...
How does one get stable work, identification etc if on a visitors visa? I spent three months in the US on a travel visa, and to me it seemed like it would have been impossible to skirt around it even if I wanted to? That may just be because I respect your laws though...