posted ago by dominickmilford ago by dominickmilford +17 / -1

Just wanted to repost this: it's me and another user (u/OffGridGuy) discussing midterm scenarios.

Response by u/OffGridguy to my first comment I hope you're right, but their "stop counting in the swing states for hours in the middle of the night and then have enough votes appear to win it when counting restarts" trick worked last time, so if you couple that with a good base of fraud in the "record early voting" that would seem to make pulling off a win even easier.

This is true fren, but think of this: take lets say just 25% of our folks who early voted last time, and tack them onto the election day, in person voting totals. I think if you did that even for 2020, the wall would become too high for them to possibly scale. Charlie Kirk has already come out today and said that reporting will be delayed, so you're correct I believe in that they will employ that tactic.

The problem is that they won't be able to stall for long enough or have the same pathways to get votes in like last time without being completely exposed before they finish the process. The extra eyes on them now coupled with the extra distance they'll need to cross to recover and overtake leads is going to ensure that, I believe. Also I don't believe that they will be willing to cheat even more brazenly than last time because it simply poses too much risk. They already sacrificed most or all of their credibility stealing the last one and I think real numbers of independent Dems, minority Dems and even further left leaning folks that saw problems and had issues and questions in 2020 were much larger than any of us might imagine they were.

All of that and still they won by just around 45,000 combined votes - if just 23 thousand or so of those change Joe doesn't make it over. That is a combined total for all the swing states in play, too! When you start to take all that into account, one has to wonder whether or not the white hats just ALLOWED them to do it for the lessons it has taught most of America in these past two years. It has been incredibly 'educational' for the American electorate, party affiliation aside.

My guess is they are going to have to take their lumps and they know it deep down, but might be deluding themselves about 'key races' that could come within the proper striking distance of being able to cheat those specific ones and retain power. Specifically with regard to Senate races - their emphasis is going to be narrowed and focused into those ones. We'll know, like we did last time, because we will likely see House races in the same State that end up as total wipeouts - while somehow they win (or lose) by slim numbers in the Senate race. The signals will be out of whack again, just like last time, where we won nearly every damn down ballot but somehow LOST the top line - the opposite of what is normally the case.

Sorry for getting long winded here! I just wanted to put my case forward as to why we should stay positive about these midterms. My guess is that at least 35-40% of folks who voted early, by mail, or in some other way that they could fuck with (and did) will now be voting in person on election day. We will lose i'd say about 4-7% of the entire amount of Trump's vote totals, these people will either not vote because of living in deep blue states or unwinnable races or whatever the case. That is STILL A MONSTER HUGE MIDTERM TURNOUT which will be historic and they won't get the numbers back until it's too late and too high of a wall to climb!

Godspeed WWG1WGA