"Stockholders as of the August 12, 2022 record date can vote, even if they have subsequently sold their shares. The Digital World warrant holders are not entitled to vote at this time."
How is that fraud? I've participated in many votes after selling the shares and on the other end, was not able to vote in others because I didn't buy before the deadline.
Yet another claim without a shred of substance. This guy doesn't realize how crazy his comment sounds on its face.
Its like walking around the streets telling people crap like 'hey, the sky is red and your crazy for thinking its blue', 'hey, water is not wet' and just fucking walking off with your head held high and a smirk on your face thinking 'I showed that guy'.
You know what that means right? It means your brain washed and disconnected from reality.
If DWAC is making that claim, they are pushing fraud.
Sauce: Sec.gov
How is that fraud? I've participated in many votes after selling the shares and on the other end, was not able to vote in others because I didn't buy before the deadline.
Yet another claim without a shred of substance. This guy doesn't realize how crazy his comment sounds on its face.
Its like walking around the streets telling people crap like 'hey, the sky is red and your crazy for thinking its blue', 'hey, water is not wet' and just fucking walking off with your head held high and a smirk on your face thinking 'I showed that guy'.
You know what that means right? It means your brain washed and disconnected from reality.