I had been wondering for some time how all the Deep State stuff is coordinated. There have been many reports on this site of how exactly the same stories show up on all the Fake News outlets. How EXACTLY does that happen?
Democrats are really amazing at voter fraud. They have turned it into an art form. But how EXACTLY do they coordinate the effort? All the pieces -- ballot dumps, voting machine fuckery, etc. HAS to be centrally coordinated in order to work. What is the mechanism for doing this?
And crooked politicians are everywhere -- local, state, and federal government. They are kept under control. How does this work?
There would need to be a large-scale web-based system with communications and task management. Such a system probably would not be deep in the background. It would work better if it were something out in the open, so no one would go searching for it.
Could it have been Twitter, including its direct messaging?
Twitter was already a Fake News outlet, and hired major wokes at major salaries. What a perfect place for a Central Woke Machine? (kinda like "coke machine")
Enter Elon Musk as the Wild Card. We didn't know quite what to make of him. But that meant that Deep State didn't know what to make of him either. He farts around with the actual purchase until early voting gets going and then BOOM! Gone are the Wokes. His people are going in looking at the code. What's next, I don't know. But the movie sure got yet more interesting.
Did their Woke Machine get shut down right when they needed it, with no time to replace it?
And then, this Paul Pelosi thing and the Homo with the Hammer (thank a GW member for that one). I think that was an accidental bonus. I don't see how white hats could have set that up. But, if anyone needed more evidence that Democrats are degenerates...
What are your thoughts on this, especially on the Woke Machine concept?
Most likely PARTIALLY shutdown. It appears the bot farms are owned/managed by Google. 5% of bots are Twitter direct control, the rest are most likely Google bots per third party contract and deniability. Google/YouTube/etc. is closely tied to Hollywood intentionally, apparently, so it should not surprise anyone that Google bots are being used to manipulate media. All media in the US is controlled from Hollywood (ref. Kanye's media control spreadsheet for sauce). Who is Google, really?: https://greatawakening.win/p/15HvL9na6D/finkle-is-einhorn-google-is-micr/
Unknown if Twitter is using Amazon AWS or Microsoft Cloud, but these last two also are very likely hosting bot farms. Some of the bot farms are being used for stockmarket/financial manipulation and AWS is likely culprit for that given Bezos Investment Banking ties and suspected involvement in naked shorting competitors so Amazon could buy up their assets on the cheap.
Microsoft bots farms may be getting used to manipulate Big Pharma/CDC/Health Info given Gate's ties to WHO, vaccinations, etc. Deep State likes to compartmentalize in case one part of the operation gets exposed. This is how you know it is all being run by the intelligence services. Because they are running everything exactly like a covert operation with massive compartmentalization. Note that Microsoft is the ORIGINAL CIA-controlled tech company after their AT&T toy got taken away 1-1-84: https://greatawakening.win/p/15HvUQJhdG/move-and-countermove-19731986-in/; note MSFT heavy involvement in both Facebook and LinkedIn development.
Thanks for these in in depth theories!