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I wasn't attacking you. I was attacking your assertion/position which was not well thought out.
And if you believe in God then I'm sure you know scripture. You know what God's favorite Bible verses? "Sit at my right hand while I make all your enemies your footstool" speaking to jesus. That verse appears more times in scripture than any other verse. Jesus is raining right now. He's putting all of his enemies under his feet. This is the greatest time to be alive in history. Wickedness and evil is being exposed in front of our eyes. We are witnessing the destruction of the synagogue of Satan and Satan's plans to enslave humanity. If you can't see that then you probably fallen under the spell of premillennial dispensationalism, a eschatology of Doom and gloom from the pit of hell. Unfortunately since the publication of the Scofield reference Bible many Christians have come under the belief of this rapture fiction and have a negative outlook on what the future looks like. And because of that they're blind to all the positives going on around them. For example your lifespan is about twice as long. One out of three children don't die during childbirth. You have a device in your pocket that can translate and send the gospel or translate texts from any language and anywhere around the world in less than a second. You don't have to spend months traveling to go spread the gospel somewhere and rest your life to do so. You're not only on the Bible but you can own every version of a Bible in your phone and have more ability to research scripture then all the scribes of the library of Alexandria put together. You can work 8 hour days 5 days a week and have luxuries that even King Solomon couldn't imagine. Anyone is apostles would cut off their thumb to have the blessings that you have and would praise God for them and utilize them to glorify him. Are you doing that? Because it doesn't seem like you have the Outlook of someone that knows that jesus's blood bought the world and everything in it. Or someone that knows that God is sovereign over everything including the selection.
We just recently stuck a blow the left sacred cow, abortion. My church wrote part of the amicus brief that was used to overturn row and has legislation pending all over the United States for full abolition. We're out there taking ground and fighting. But if your church isn't out there fighting then you're not going to think like a warrior. And if you're not thinking like a warrior you probably not putting on the armor of God. And if you're not putting on the armor of God you are subject to attacks of the enemy.
So act like you are in the army of the Most High, not someone saying the giant is going to slay us all when every smooth Pebble at your feet can be used to kill it.
You are right and God bless.