It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what happened here
🚔 Crime & Corruption 💸
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"You can call me a Doomer if you like..."
Okay, you're a doomer.
We're all depressed and angry this morning, but wringing your hands and blubbering that all is lost accomplishes nothing and gives aid and comfort to the Deep State.
Ok, I'm a bit indifferent right now, but I have a genuine question: At what point is it OK to doom? After '24? Are we still gonna be here in '26 holding onto to the plan?
I am, for one. This is literally a war between good and evil forces! It might take a long time.
I remember a couple years ago when even talking about Trump running/coming back in 2024, was considered “dooming”/shill talk, in which a few people were banned.
I fought for this Republic and was ready to lay down my life to defend our Constitution and the principles upon which it was written. Forgive me if I have grown tired of waiting for the last 30 years since coming home from fighting for our country for some miracle to stop the erosion of our Republic, our Constitution, and the ingredients which made America great for over 200 years. You know what I learned in combat? That doers win, and talkers get taken out. Our Founding Fathers were doers, and beat the foremost World Power of their time, impossibly.
The communist Democrats are doers, they actively worked for years to line up everything to successfully steal the 2020 election, and, as it would appear, the 2022 mid-terms, as well. We saw evidence of it as far back as 2016. Yet our People keep waiting for government to save us from government. Tyranny, once established, is as hard to overcomes as it it to regain liberty lost.
Our Founders understood one simple concept that seems to e escaping most people today. That is they saw the savior's of their liberty when the looked in the mirror. Today, it is all about waiting for someone else to save us. For someone else to risk life, limb, and treasures.
okay, for arguments sake, I can wait a few more years for someone to take out the garbage, but that whole time I will be wondering how much more of our republic has to be sacrificed to get to the "right time". Is it when all our veterans are sitting in jail cells because they are potential domestic terrorists? All of our children are enslaved and turned into good little communists? Until our economy is completely destroyed? Until our borders no longer exist and our sovereignty wiped away? Until they give amnesty to all the illegals they have been importing making it unnecessary to steal elections anymore?
Yes, I am angry and frustrated. I served my country before the wall fell and saw naked communism first hand. I swore that would NEVER come to America. I fought enemies of our Republic only to find they were enemies of the Deep State, not our Republic. So, yes, it does anger me to see traitors and communists not only operating in America, but running America. I had friends that died to prevent that. I lost spilled blood and sacrificed my health serving to keep our Republic safe.
I hope and pray to God almighty you are right, and some secret force is going to vanquish the tyrants and set things right. That being said, I am not sure there is any power great enough to do it, except for the return of The Savior. That very well could be it. However, I was taught that God works through others, and it is important to do everything in your power to get things done, and God will provide in the areas you fall short.
Sitting around waiting for others never set well with me, and the longer we wait the more uneasy it feels.
Give me a few days, perhaps this feeling will subside and my PTSD go back into remission and all will look rosy again.