posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +57 / -1

My times are in thy hand. — Psalm 31:15

Just a few weeks ago was Halloween. My family was in a store and we were walking near the area where the Halloween decorations were. There were lots of scary things scattered around the area. I heard one of the decorations make a noise then I heard a little girl shriek. Something frightened her and she ran away toward her family.

Her family was laughing about it and all those around were chuckling. It was something that wouldn’t have normally scared others, but to that little girl, it was a scary situation. She wasn’t expecting the interaction she had with the decoration. But it was her first reaction that really caught my attention. She shrieked, and ran away saying, “daddy, daddy, hold me!” She wasn’t comforted until her dad held her in his hands and provided protection from what she thought was going to get her.

There are so many times in my life I have been in the same situation as that little girl. Sure, it may have not been Halloween decorations in the aisle at the local store, but there were things around me that seemed out to get me. Circumstances were challenging and maybe, at that moment, it was even scary.

I can certainly relate with David in the words he wrote in this Psalm. He said, “my times are in thy hand.” In other words, David was saying his safety and security, his life, and the occasion he was experiencing, were all in the hands of God. Just like that little girl knew her father could protect her, David knew his Heavenly Father could handle what he was facing.

Sometimes life is scary. There are times when things come up you are not expecting, and it turns your life upside down for that moment. But don’t lose faith. Our Heavenly Father is more than capable of protecting and helping you. Give the situation over to Him and let Him hold you in His hand.

Jared Dyson