Question: Am I missing something? Difference of 29,291 votes left to be counted? Unless there were more ballots cast than voters? 100% reported?
🧐 More This Data Please! 🤓

edit: thanks u/7dskei: https://apps.arizona.vote/info/bps/2022-general-election/33/0
Original comment:
I'm pretty tired, could just be misunderstanding this.
Hobbes votes + lake votes = 2,296,802 - [ballots cast] 2,326,093 = 29,291 ballots left to count?
AP at 89% reporting, Arizona state at 100% precincts reporting.
Registered voters 4,143,929
Turn out: 56.13%
[Current counted vote] 2,296,802
29K invalid, or cast for a third candidate perhaps? So essentially, it's another 29K that will be transferred over to the demonrat candidate at some later time
Could also be that they didn't vote for governor for whatever reason.
What originally threw me for a loop (with Arizona site reporting 100%)
From the AP:
"So precinct reporting are the number of precincts, the number of polling places that have actually reported their results to headquarters," said David Hawkings, the editor in chief of The Fulcrum."