Who gives a fuck at this point. It's time to protest or shut up. Fuck what the media labels conservatives as. The streets need to be flooded. Just don't do anything stupid like ransack the capitol building and take selfish with cops inside of it. They want us to be scared of protesting but they can go fuck themselves.
But, I will add this, (my sentiment) the time for remaining polite and cordial is over. The commies only understand one thing--and it is punishment--it is time for us to bring the punishment to them. Just as George W. Bush brought it to the "9-11" perpetrators, But that is another story way back in the timeline. And, I do know who George W. Bush was/is--just using some of his wording.
Just tell me what time everyone is going out. Not tonight though because Monday night football. Tuesday is bad because I need to work late to make up for going in late. Wednesday got church. So maybe Thursday if soccer practice is canceled. Friday need to help the wife around the house. Saturday is reserved. If everyone has time next Sunday morning before pregame then let’s do this thing.
This is a perfect response by the majority of Americans. They just don’t give a shit anymore and love nothing more than to get sheep. As George Carlin once said, “obedient workers”…
I know this steak doesn't exist, but when I put it in my mouth the Matrix is telling me it is juicy and delicious. After 9 years you know what, ignorance is bliss.
Important to understand.
Until there is a need to change, it is easier to take "temporary blue pills" and enjoy some juicy steak, than it is to adhere to the Red Pill Plan, even for those who are "awake." The Matrix is seductive by design. When you can control the entire economy, you create need where you want it.
Thus we must be brought to the precipice. Wanting to make change is insufficient. We must need to do what it takes to make changes happen (million man protests e.g.) more than we need to live the lives we've been handed by those who control The Matrix.
Seeing The Pit of Despair "over there" just isn't enough. We must be about to fall over the cliff. That is need.
Military is cucked. Full of trannies, faggots, America-Hating Brown people and commie liberals who couldn't get a paycheck anywhere else. It's also controlled by the deep state, not gonna happen.
I have a different take on all this.
Lake loses.
Dems take House and Senate. WTF, right?
All eyes on DJT announcement tomorrow.
DOJ swoops in a arrests DJT before announcement.
Video by DJT .... Devolution was in place.
Military only way. Have a good night.
More chess anyone?
If you are going to call people glowies just because they have a slightly harder to digest opinion that's not pre packaged for you, isn't that kinda hypocritical? Just saying. That mentality is what holds us back more than anything. Gb2 /pol/
Better yet, if you do bring the FBI in, they can entrap themselves since we know for sure there are good people, and this will push the real glowies on the defensive. I see your logic, even though reactionary simpletons don't. So many people have been told that there are good men and women in the FBI by the very people they source their info from. Trump worked with them (and still is), so take those downvotes with honor. Nothing is black and white. People TRULY need to understand that. And for you, if you do not already know, the fact that Trump WANTED the FBI to raid his home. We keep closing our eyes to the truth and misdirecting ourselves out of habit.
Far too many assumptions here. The FBI has been rogue since shortly after its inception. Agents also double up as CIA agents as well, ie. Petr Strzok. How does he even begin to sniff higher FBI office when his dad was a well-known Iranian agent. I think the FBI runs all the heavy lifting for the CIA & provides cover since it can't be questioned apparently.
Until a hundred thousand pissed off Arizonans show up in rabid protest, ain’t nobody doing shit about this, history indicates.
Another fed - infiltrated Jan 6? Military is the only way
Who gives a fuck at this point. It's time to protest or shut up. Fuck what the media labels conservatives as. The streets need to be flooded. Just don't do anything stupid like ransack the capitol building and take selfish with cops inside of it. They want us to be scared of protesting but they can go fuck themselves.
The French have been protesting en masse for more than two years with essentially no results.
Brazil starting on the same track.
If DJT did sign the Insurrection Act and is still CinC (I think he is) he needs to bring the military in to save America now.
But, I will add this, (my sentiment) the time for remaining polite and cordial is over. The commies only understand one thing--and it is punishment--it is time for us to bring the punishment to them. Just as George W. Bush brought it to the "9-11" perpetrators, But that is another story way back in the timeline. And, I do know who George W. Bush was/is--just using some of his wording.
Just tell me what time everyone is going out. Not tonight though because Monday night football. Tuesday is bad because I need to work late to make up for going in late. Wednesday got church. So maybe Thursday if soccer practice is canceled. Friday need to help the wife around the house. Saturday is reserved. If everyone has time next Sunday morning before pregame then let’s do this thing.
This is a perfect response by the majority of Americans. They just don’t give a shit anymore and love nothing more than to get sheep. As George Carlin once said, “obedient workers”…
Carlin nailed it all.
I know this steak doesn't exist, but when I put it in my mouth the Matrix is telling me it is juicy and delicious. After 9 years you know what, ignorance is bliss.
Sunday’s worse than Saturday to me.
This is why Q said:
Until there is a need to change, it is easier to take "temporary blue pills" and enjoy some juicy steak, than it is to adhere to the Red Pill Plan, even for those who are "awake." The Matrix is seductive by design. When you can control the entire economy, you create need where you want it.
Thus we must be brought to the precipice. Wanting to make change is insufficient. We must need to do what it takes to make changes happen (million man protests e.g.) more than we need to live the lives we've been handed by those who control The Matrix.
Seeing The Pit of Despair "over there" just isn't enough. We must be about to fall over the cliff. That is need.
We aren't there yet, but we are getting closer.
And be thrown in jail for 2 years
Live free or die.
I guess we are asking for overt military intervention.
Millions of red blooded Americans will back the military once they make the first move.
I thought they were waiting for us to move first?
So somebody cry "HAVOC" and set loose the damn dogs already.
Once more into the breach
Our first move was voting. Ball is in their court now.
And it’s about time!!! 🙏
count'n ballots, not votes...
Those truckers never bring the containers in the back to make it bigger. I want all 50" trucks w/ the boxes and everything all day all highways
Military is cucked. Full of trannies, faggots, America-Hating Brown people and commie liberals who couldn't get a paycheck anywhere else. It's also controlled by the deep state, not gonna happen.
You only need certain officers.
But Trump is in control of the 11 Centcom commanders, and they only answer to him.
Not the USMC
I think Kari Lake supporters are basically all Trump's supporters :D
Protest, Protest, protest! and for the love of God and Country leave your phones at home!
Just bring a regular camera or go pro.
Anyone have footage of them blocking the view from oversight?
I have a different take on all this. Lake loses. Dems take House and Senate. WTF, right? All eyes on DJT announcement tomorrow. DOJ swoops in a arrests DJT before announcement. Video by DJT .... Devolution was in place. Military only way. Have a good night. More chess anyone?
Chess? Check mate. We stalled.
Why are you guys so bad at this?
They are too busy looking at their huge stash of kiddie porn.
If you are going to call people glowies just because they have a slightly harder to digest opinion that's not pre packaged for you, isn't that kinda hypocritical? Just saying. That mentality is what holds us back more than anything. Gb2 /pol/
Is that ashton kutcher? kek
“Good eggs “???
Was this posted in 1952?
Better yet, if you do bring the FBI in, they can entrap themselves since we know for sure there are good people, and this will push the real glowies on the defensive. I see your logic, even though reactionary simpletons don't. So many people have been told that there are good men and women in the FBI by the very people they source their info from. Trump worked with them (and still is), so take those downvotes with honor. Nothing is black and white. People TRULY need to understand that. And for you, if you do not already know, the fact that Trump WANTED the FBI to raid his home. We keep closing our eyes to the truth and misdirecting ourselves out of habit.
Far too many assumptions here. The FBI has been rogue since shortly after its inception. Agents also double up as CIA agents as well, ie. Petr Strzok. How does he even begin to sniff higher FBI office when his dad was a well-known Iranian agent. I think the FBI runs all the heavy lifting for the CIA & provides cover since it can't be questioned apparently.
There were also good eggs in PolPots army.
Please name the assumptions. The MAL raid was such an event i am referring to. Theyve already done it.