For most of the hours during the day since I work from home it's not practical for me to get frequent updates from internet sources, podcasts, etc., so during that time I mostly have on the old fashion AM/FM radio. Limited I know, but I only get Glenn Beck and Dan Bongino until a later afternoon milk-toast local so-called conservative show.
Anyway, where the hell are Glenn and Dan on this? Complete crickets. It's disgraceful. I'm with you guys on knowing why, but still, they hold themselves out as defenders of freedom, but demonstrate over and over again that they will never risk their brand by exposing anything they think isn't 100% "safe" for their brand. Makes me sick!
Well what do you know!? Bongino is actually talking about FTX AND the Ukraine connections AND the money laundering back to the corrupt Dems. He says he's not letting the story go. We'll see. I like to keep up on what I like to call "normie light" news sources. This could be harder to contain than the DS Cabal is used to.
I love it! Troll those bastards!
For most of the hours during the day since I work from home it's not practical for me to get frequent updates from internet sources, podcasts, etc., so during that time I mostly have on the old fashion AM/FM radio. Limited I know, but I only get Glenn Beck and Dan Bongino until a later afternoon milk-toast local so-called conservative show.
Anyway, where the hell are Glenn and Dan on this? Complete crickets. It's disgraceful. I'm with you guys on knowing why, but still, they hold themselves out as defenders of freedom, but demonstrate over and over again that they will never risk their brand by exposing anything they think isn't 100% "safe" for their brand. Makes me sick!
Well what do you know!? Bongino is actually talking about FTX AND the Ukraine connections AND the money laundering back to the corrupt Dems. He says he's not letting the story go. We'll see. I like to keep up on what I like to call "normie light" news sources. This could be harder to contain than the DS Cabal is used to.