Because you must get your enemy to expend ammo. Trump has been hyping this as the biggest announcement in 100 years. Only thing that big is declas. But he gets more response by making them THINK he will declass, vs actually declassifying.
Temper expectations. Severely temper them. Those who have been around as long as I have been thru this exact, same, song and dance multiple times before.
Anyone who thinks DT will drop the hammer and expose all tonight hasnt read enough. We are no where near the precipice. Normies are still getting moar boosters.
You actually buy his phony birth certificate or is this sarcasm?
0bummer's long-form birth certificate was a total forgery.
Take less that 6 minutes to see why...
Well Trump apparently does, so...
Trump trolled the media for free as ir time. Didn't give them their sound bite.