"Remember the prisoners as if chained with them—those who are mistreated—since you yourselves are in the body also." Hebrews 13:3
Admit it, you loved watching the news day. It was a beautiful sight. A mostly peaceful, yet assertive display. I really can't imagine a better protest, given the gravity of what they were protesting. It's very sad what's happening to them. Very few of them did anything wrong.
The fact that there is not an uproar from the MILLIONS of us is a tacit admission of guilt. We've been waving the white flag for almost 2 years now. We've been telling them that fear is our master.
A large movement to free those prisoners would stop the "threat to democracy," "election denier," "insurrectionist" false narratives in their tracks.
I have no idea how to organize protests, no following, nor resources. But I pray that some big MAGA influencer has the courage to start a movement around this. Or at least to start a conversation about that near-perfect protest.
Meditate over what they're going through. Feel it. Pray for them. They're heroes.
Honestly considered deporting him as a possible bad guy.. Such a bizarre thing to say.
It’s an unAmerican thing to say ,,, Jan 6 prisioners are real Americans wrongfully accused and suffering at the hands of treasonous unAmericans , DJT himself said this , well he didn’t say treasonous unAmerica! Regardless doesn’t matter what DJT said , they are in there sufffering while many out here say dumb ass comment like the idiot on this post