posted ago by MemeToDeath2021 ago by MemeToDeath2021 +38 / -0


ARTICLE VI JUDICIAL [SEC. 1 - SEC. 22] ( Article 6 added Nov. 8, 1966, by Prop. 1-a. Res.Ch. 139, 1966 1st Ex. Sess. )

SEC. 9. The State Bar of California is a public corporation. Every person admitted and licensed to practice law in this State is and shall be a member of the State Bar except while holding office as a judge of a court of record. (Sec. 9 added Nov. 8, 1966, by Prop. 1-a. Res.Ch. 139, 1966 1st Ex. Sess.)

Right in the CA Constitution; they have inserted themselves into the state government illegally in violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the Trust I, Constitution for the united states of America (CfusA, 1788): https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=CONS§ionNum=SEC.%209.&article=VI

They even use the "*.gov" for their website: https://www.calbar.ca.gov/

What is a public corporation? It is also known as a municipal corporation or MUNICIPAL SERVICE CORPORATION (MSC), and they may be incorporated out of state (DC) and registered to operate as a "foreign corporation" inside California State (1850 Union state): https://www.dictionary.com/browse/public-corporation

Article IV, Section 4: https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/articleiv

Section 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

A CORPORATE form of government is NOT a Republican Form of Government.

All STATE BAR OF XX CORPORATION were incorporated in DC between 1871 and 1933 specifically to create the STATE OF XX CORPORATION (1933) which they did in all States in 1933 to usurp their sovereignty via a breach of contract (of the Constitution via violation of Article IV, Section 4) by unconstitutional amendments to the California State Constitution, for example. This happened to all Union State Constitutions between 1933 and 1938. All State Constitutions were modified by 1938 because the war was pre-planned for 1939 way back in the 1880s (and was likely set in motion after the events of 1871 and the activation of Trust II, Constitution of the United States of America, CoUSA).

For example, California State entered the Union (1788 Constitution) via its 1850 California State Constitution. So when the STATE OF CALIFORNIA CORPORATION (1933) was placed on top of California State in 1933, it violated the terms of the 1850 Constitution (contract) which guaranteed "a Republican Form of Gov't"; So what they did is illegally Amend the 1850 Constitution between 1933 and 1938 to allow their illegal usurpation of Union State sovereignty. It was all illegal and directed by the STATE BAR.