I have now 100% accepted that the only way is for everything to go to shit. Normies have to be brought to near annihilation. I despise a lot of normies but that is the path the white hats have taken and yes it is necessary.
Americans have had it too good for too long. America needs to be reminded what true sacrifice is. The only way is for the economy to collapse.
Our society is rotten to the core. Not just the elites but the people too. Most don’t even acknowledge or understand the sacrifice people have made for this country and treat Memorial day as a day to grill, not a day to honor the fallen. For many people Thanksgiving has been kicked to the curb in order to trample people at Best Buy to get a shitty deal on a tv they don’t need while making retail workers miss time with their families. Christmas has been turned into commercialism instead of celebrating the birth of Christ and spending time with family.
Normies have neglected their children and their country to satisfy their entertainment filled lives. So the boat has to be rocked.
The normies have to have their lives destroyed and learn that at the end of the day it was their neglect that caused this.
I know many of you will hate this process but you should be thankful. The collapse of the petro dollar is inevitable. You are WAY ahead of them though. Trump has told us how bad it will get numerous times. I truly believe if you prep hard core for the next year and stack physical gold/silver you will be rich when all is said and done. $10 a gallon gas will destroy the economy. Diesel could get to $15. You have to stop bitching and prepare for this.
I understand that we are frustrated with the elections. But you have to accept this plan is for libtards and normies not us whether you like it or not. A lot of normies piss me off but the lesson has to strike deep into their hearts and souls.
Time to prepare and cowboy up cause a storm is coming. We’re anons. Battle hardened by surviving hundreds of psyops. We’ll weather the storm.
Your idea of entitlement is far fetching.
"I demand a new iPhone for free!" is entitled.
"I can't afford to pay my bills so how am I supposed to stock up?" is not entitled. I'm not saying that someone needs to give me the money to stock up. I'm asking how, logistically, am I and millions upon millions of others supposed to prepare when they're in circumstances that could never allow it. And I'm asking if our suffering, our deaths, our misery is the fair price to pay just so some people don't get their feelings hurt when they learn uncomfortable truths.
I'm not at all a liberal but I don't think I lean as right as most people here, because the attitudes here frankly bother me. They lack compassion and understanding of others' circumstances. People here and you included seem to think that just because you made it, it's possible for everyone else and if it's not then fuck 'em. That's so cold. Especially when you're talking about fellow patriots rather than leftists you'd at least have a reason not to care about.
You say no one made them go to college but that's literally what's crammed down everyone's throat if they don't want to be poor. You want them to have the loads of money squirreled away to prepare themselves yet they could never attain that kind of money without some form of expensive further education.
No one made them go $100k in debt for a BS degree that will get them nowhere - that much I'll agree with you on.
How can you say that so flippantly? And why the fuck does that need to be the case over information?? That's the part I can't wrap my head around. The whole idea is to wake people up to truth, right? So why the hell should people need to die for that to be accomplished? I just don't understand.
If bombs are flying, fine - I get how there will be casualties. But we've got killer weather manipulation and freezing temperatures and rising heating bills. Why is that necessary? My 60 year old parents that have busted their asses their entire lives, my Dad especially, since 13-14 years old can't afford to have heat. That's fucked up.
One reason that things must continue to get worse: even now with things as bad as they are, most people are not willing to take responsibility for their own fate.
I really mean no offense, but your comments are a great example. People expect to be taken care of, to have low prices on readily available commodities. A few generations ago no one thought like that. They understood that if they needed something they had better come up with a plan and do the work because no one would do it for them. They knew that when hard times come around the only thing you can do is tighten your belt and work harder.
Granted, everyone alive now was born into this messed-up system of dependency which fosters lifelong weakness. But it is up to each one of us to break free and take responsibility for our own lives. Want to heat your home but can't afford gas? Buy a wood-stove and chop your own wood. Want to have plenty of food? Learn gardening and canning. Physically incapable of doing these things? Develop a specialized skill so that you can trade with others.
The economic pinch we are feeling today is nothing compared to the day-to-day reality that everyone had to face several generations ago. The weakness which leads modern people to despair over rising prices is the same weakness which enabled the cabal to corrupt our entire society.
People need to be proverbially slapped in the face with reality. Allowing the cabal to partially implement their planned economic destruction is a genius way to make that happen. As others have said, white hats will not allow things to become truly unbearable (though in our weakness we might think it is unbearable).
Always remember, God is with us. We are all capable of far more than we realize.