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This might explain why the police keep saying the public at large is not in danger

Those two were at home and didn't bother to call the police until NOON THE NEXT MORNING, so 9 hours?

The other roommates look very wholesome

Roommates were home when 4 University of Idaho students slaughtered — but called 911 hours later

November 17, 2022

Two roommates were inside the home where four University of Idaho students were slaughtered, authorities revealed Wednesday – but the 911 call wasn’t made until hours later.

City of Moscow Police Chief James Fry also said the two roommates were home when police responded to a call of an unconscious person and discovered a gory slaying described as “the worst they’ve ever seen.”

The latest revelation came during a press conference held by police and school officials where Fry also backtracked about how concerned the community should be about an ongoing threat after authorities originally said the public was not in danger following the quadruple homicide.

“We cannot say that there is no threat to the community and as we have stated please stay vigilant, report any suspicious activity and be aware of your surroundings at all times,” Fry warned.

He maintained police believed the slayings were an isolated and targeted attack.

Fry said police were still seeking a suspect or suspects responsible for the gruesome scene.

A murder weapon or motive has not been found. There was no sign of forced entry.

The murders of Ethan Chapin, 20, Madison Mogen, 21, Xana Kernodle, 20, and Kaylee Goncalves, 21, rocked the school community as many students have vacated campus ahead of Thanksgiving break.

The FBI and state police are also assisting in the probe that includes at least 25 investigators, Fry said.

Following the press conference, an Idaho state police spokesperson told The Post the two roommates were female and are not believed to be suspects. The spokesperson additionally said the pair were uninjured and cooperating with investigators.

Sauce/more: https://nypost.com/2022/11/16/2-roommates-home-when-4-university-of-idaho-students-were-killed/

As much as I hate to jump to conclusions:

Roommate troubles, the milf and other were pissed about something, rent, food, etc?

Girls get some poor schmucks to come over and lay in wait…

I'd like some details about the crime scene, ritual? rage?

Not NOT believe all women. EVER.

And that's a freaky looking Cop btw. A little too jazzed about picture day. imho