This interesting comment from Reddit on Musk reinstating Trump's Twitter account shows that even the plebs on Left know E-X-A-C-T-L-Y what Twitter was built to do:
🤡 Tech Tyranny 🌎

As has been the programming. One of the chief reasons I cannot STAND political tribalism is because it picks and chooses and attempts to dictate what I am supposed to believe in. WRONG. I am an American. I will believe whatever shit I want to believe even if it contradicts itself. I explain myself to no one. I am free to believe and vote for whatever I want for whatever reasons I want.
Blind faith loyalty to politics... especially blind faith loyalty to GAW is not only detrimental and a potential threat to basic rights and liberty... but it's putting your mind in a mental vice. It doesn't matter if someone else has wrong or conflicting ideas, they're allowed to have them. If we really wanna see the pendulum broken, then we need to start breaking it ourselves and that starts by freeing yourself from mental tyranny. Considering the ideas of others is NOT a condonation nor does it mean you are committing to them. If you are THAT insecure, then seek mental discipline training. No one person has the ultimate correct ideas for everyone. No one has all the answers or know what's best for everyone. That is and always will be for us to decide for ourselves.
What does that have to do with u/pbman2's comment on the redditverse thinking billionaires are republican?
It lets him post at the top of the thread...in line with self-perceived status.
Because they aren't. And Republicans aren't the party of billions.
Republicans should be the party of the Constitution and that's it. Or better yet, no political parties anymore. Vote for individuals you believe in. Not parties.
Ok, but there is no context to the statement made that you replied to. Otherwise, cannot fault you on anything said as it is all true. Also to add, geo Washington said the political parties will be the downfall of this country if they get in power.
I can't upvote this enough.
Republican, Democrat, theist, atheist, godly or satanic, lazy or self motivated, civic minded, criminal, soldier, laboror or priest.
If what you're doing isn't working for you, pick something else.
Politics is not good government but it seems to be what's accepted as such any more. Parties are political tribalism, as you said.....NOT the way to run a Republic whose specific framework is entirely ignored by these ignorant folks. Politics and parties bring agendas and what people THINK is a good thing. Here's something I learned recently: betcha never heard of the Bonus Bill 😉. Was vetoed in 1817 by Madison because, according to Madison, using the Commerce Clause, General Welfare Clause, and Necessary and Proper Clause as justification for the law “would be contrary to the established and consistent rules of interpretation, as rendering the special and careful enumeration of powers which follow the clause nugatory and improper,” adding that an alternative view “would have the effect of giving to Congress a general power of legislation instead of the defined and limited one hitherto understood to belong to them.” This bill was vetoed two more times. This bill was seen as a great thing to do but it was pointed out that passing it would have unintended consequences. Our government has gone further and further out of control since it was finally passed
Wow. That explains a lot about our current problems. Add the Bonus Act to our list of needed rollbacks.
reclaimingtherepublic.org has a wealth of information regarding HOW to get rid of all of these alphabet agencies that are entirely unconstitutional. No doubt we may choose to properly create a few and that is the key word: properly--constitutionally. The process is Republic Review. You're the first person to have dipped his toe in this water of empowering knowledge on here. This process is in its early stages in the Wyoming legislature. All it takes is ONE state......read about it. It's utterly amazing. This needs to happen, hand in hand, with the constitutional processes set out on nationallibertyalliance.org . Thanks for reading.
Great post.
Make a separate post with this text. I bet it gets pinned.