Nazi symbol? You be the judge. Symbolism will be their demise. You can’t make this up.
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🤦🏻♂️ It’s Klaus Schwab. They could’ve picked or made up a billion symbols for their Thailand “friends”. But they didn’t. They chose the one that when mirrored has a swastika in it. Again it’s either stupid-brave or Shilling not to recognize their underlining point of using it. So let’s just leave it as, you’re not going to change my opinion nor can I change yours.
That's a very bold assertion, Brent, and it's not warranted, imo.
Nothing wrong with having differing opinions, but you just called me either stupid or a shill.
So let me clear that up for you since it isn’t personal. Again your have your own opinion as do I. So you’re not stupid at all. Actually quite intelligent. But choosing to not recognize what the WEF or Klaus is doing with a symbol can be a stupid choice. Or it’s in act of a Shill type choice as in defending WEF’s use of the symbol and turning a blind eye to their true rational. Klaus isn’t an idiot nor are the upper leadership of WEF, as you know. Nothing they do is innocent but full of the ends of their so called “good” being evil. Thats how I see it and I’m sticking to it.
Thank you for sharing your opinion.
Here's the real problem. You think that your interpretation and your opinion is fact.
It's not a fact, and as soon as you recognize that, you'll start making more sense.
But on one thing I agree: can
Choosing not to recognize....can be a stupid choice (although I disagree with your underlying premises here) and choosing to treat a hypothesis as fact can be a stupid choice.
Firstly, this is APEC. It's not the WEF. WEF is NOT using this symbol. Apec is.
Nobody is suggesting that Schwab isn't evil through and through, or that the WEF isn't an instrument for evil, or that the Cabal doesn't use symbolism.
It's a frickin photo of Schwab in front of the logo for the APEC CEO summit for 2022, which will become defunct in 3, 2, 1 days.
It's not WEF, it's not a logo for any organization, and its completely culturally relevant.
Conflating the fact that Schwab is evil, WEF is evil, and the Cabal DOES use symbology as part of their black majik WITH a photo of schwab in front of a logo for a regional event for a regional body proving that there is malice behind the symbol = flawed thinking.
You can have your opinion that the one is proof of the other, but to me, its a reach.
I am certainly NOT attempting to or even interested in changing your opinion on this. The fact that you take such a stance is to me a strong indication that you're not approaching the issue with a balanced, objective perspective.
Keep your view Brett. But if you're not interested in discussing, opening your thinking to see or discuss other perspectives, and are going to stick to a practice of calling people who have a different view either stupid or shills, all i can say is, good luck to you. It become harder to take your view serious when you practice this approach.
Just because one does not like another’s choice on one matter, does not set precedent for another matter or subject. In other words Fractal, because I may stand my ground on my opinion of this singular matter or event doesn’t mean im going to be the same on other matters. I’m not like that with everything. But on things I’ve become firm with because of my own belief and opinion on and don’t need to spend more time on, then I’m all good and moving on.
Having a further conversation for myself regarding this singular matter isn’t further necessary for me, There are bigger fish to fry.