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Everywhere that Whites live they are under attack. One really should think about why this is so. Do you really believe in the left's fake and canned reasons that they use to justify it? Don't give me the colonial narrative because it falls apart when other races are scrutinized. The conquest of Islam is a really good example, but we are never taught this in the public schools? Why is this? There's a huge cover-up here. I'll provide evidence of this in a moment, but let's first look at the hatred toward Whites, who are are arguably the most enslaved race in all of history. Islam has always been associated with slavery. Did you know Islam waged over 548 battles with the classic civilization of Greece and Rome?
There were over 200 battles in Spain alone. North Africa, the Middle East, and India are not included in this count. Islam has killed more people under its barbarous rule than any other conquest in all of history.**
In India alone, over 400 million people were brutally murdered under Islamic occupation.
A sample taken for a 25 year period (1975 to 2000) found there has been 225 books written on the Christian Crusades compared to only one book written on the Islamic conquest. Let’s be honest, the Crusades were a failure compared to the vast Islamic conquest of the lands extending from Spain to India.
All lands except Spain and India have been retained by Islam. The Islamic conquest was quick and brutal. We know in an expanse of only sixty years, Islam spread from the lands extending from Spain to India.
Islam is not a religion of peace. It is the exact opposite.
Islam is a political ideology of perpetual brutality and war masquerading as a religion.
It is comprised of despotic laws set over the masses for the purpose of controlling the populace under autocratic rule. Contrarily, the Muslim autocracy and its elite live their lives behind the security of guarded compounds. Their privacy, wealth, and political power, in effect, make them exempt from these same draconian laws. Under this ideology, the Islamic male is entreated to be master over women, who are treated as chattel with few rights if any.
Why isn't any other race today being attacked and marked for extermination? Did you know only the Caucasian race is decreasing while all the others are increasing? Maybe the the real reason is that Europeans have been the vanguards of Christianity and that Christianity is the real enemy to all these other people. Let's face it, it doesn't matter if you are an atheist or 'something' else, if you are White, you are already condemned to being Christian because your ancestors were. The liberal Whites who stand against Christians are useful idiots to all those who want to forever criminalize and destroy Christianity. Why did Christianity spread so readily to Europeans? Maybe this is why Jesus said-- “My sheep hear My voice.” Only the Lord’s true sheep follow and obey Him because they know and recognize His voice. Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). Maybe this is why Jesus said- "Do not go in the way of the nations, but rather go to the lost sheep of the House of Israel." Why has a declaration of war been declared by the enemies Jesus Christ on Christians? Satanists have combined forces with Kabbalists, and Islam to exterminate us.
Yes, the anti-white crap is just satanic anti-Christian crap. Jesus lived in Asia, but Christianity gained more traction in Europe than in Asia, or in Africa which is closer to the land that Jesus walked than Europe is. Why was that? Some people say that Christianity found its people in whites, and that their historic breeding for empathy and altruism was fertile ground for adopting the Golden Rule.
Over the most recent century, American white Christians have become the most charitable group per capita in world history, and have done an immense amount of good work in spreading the gospel to billions of people around the world. That’s why the satanic communists want to harm America and white people.
Thank you for your post. I have a sense that speaking the truth will get harder and harder as we progress.
I have always loathed the "religion of peace" phrase, especially when Bush used to fling it around whenever he could. It's like everything else with leftists; just the opposite of the truth.
KALERGI PLAN: Eliminate and dilute the white race so the leftover mixed people will be easier to control.Plan for a world wide Jewish Zionist government
Specifically they want to rule more Asians because they are more passive than other races. Look at China. Very low energy, very passive. Holding up blank sheets of paper, singing, taping everything on their cell phones. No action. The least they could do is swarm the cops when people are being taken and dismantle their vehicles by removing air from the tires. While the police are taking care of that, get the people off the van/bus. Look in the home and garden for tools to help you! There are THOUSANDS of ways. Japan prohibits guns, yet that guy who shot Abe made one at home.
Wait, whites are the biggest victims now? Historically and now? So they have historically lost but the winners are giving whites the trophies? I always thought of whites as the victors in a certain sense. So why are they weaker than all of the other races again?
The history of 'Whites' is far different than the 'permitted' history books report. Did you know the first slaves to America were White? Up to one-half of all the arrivals in the American colonies were Whites slaves and they were America's first slaves. These Whites were slaves for life, long before Blacks ever were. This slavery was even hereditary. White children born to White slaves were enslaved too. The Establishment has created the misnomer of "indentured servitude" to explain away and minimize the fact of White slavery. But bound Whites in early America called themselves slaves. Nine-tenths of the White slavery in America was conducted without indentures of any kind but according to the so-called "custom of the country," as it was known, which was lifetime slavery administered by the slave merchants themselves.
In George Sandy’s laws for Virginia, Whites were enslaved "forever." The service of Whites bound to Berkeley's Hundred was deemed "perpetual."
I'm not really buying America had to carry the crucifix and be sacrificed for all of Christendom's slavery bit. In comparison to Islam and the rest of the world, Christianity wasn't big promoters of slavery. In fact, the Catholic Church condemned slavery in 1435. The Catholic Church unhesitatingly condemned racial slavery as soon as it began. In 1435, six decades before Columbus sailed, Pope Eugene IV condemned the enslavement of the black natives of the Canary Islands, and ordered their European masters to manumit the enslaved within 15 days, under pain of excommunication. In 1537, Pope Paul III condemned the enslavement of West Indian and South American natives, and explicitly attributed that evil, "unheard of before now," to "the enemy of the human race," Satan.
Papal condemnations of slavery were repeated by Popes Gregory XIV (1591), Urban VIII (1639), Innocent XI (1686), Benedict XIV (1741), and Piux VII (1815). In 1839, Pope Gregory XVI wrote,
"We, by apostolic authority, warn and strongly exhort... that no one in the future dare to bother unjustly, despoil of their possessions, or reduce to slavery Indians, Blacks or other such peoples."
Pope Leo XIII (1890), too, condemned slavery, and so did the Second Vatican Council
So, how did slavery continue in the Vatican influenced sphere? Most Americans don't realize either that the transatlantic slave trade was driven by the sugar trade and rum. By the very nature of this fact, it redirects us to where sugar cane grew. This of course was in the tropical regions of the Caribbean and Central and South America. This is where 97% of the transatlantic slaves went. The 3% came to America later. According to one well-regarded census, 9.6 million Africans arrived alive in the so-called "New World" from the 16th century through the 19th century. Of these, 427,000, were brought to what is now the United States.
I could continue and talk about Islam and Judaism's belief in slavery and its widespread involvement in slave trade. Europe as far away as Iceland have been the recipients of Islamic raids enslaving people living in coastal dwellings. The entire Dark Ages was a result of Islamic salve trade and piracy on the Mediterranean Sea and elsewhere. The estimates of Europeans being kidnapped and enslaved is unknown, but the estimates from that time frame is in the millions. Slavery is actually now bigger and widespread than it ever was.