Perhaps President Trump is waiting for Elon Musk to blow the lid off of the Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell scandal, suppression, and overall Color Revolution warfare by Big Tech and MSM until he posts his first tweet. The entire world will be watching and reading this global red 💊 At face value, it seems like an opportune time for President Trump to tweet, and possibly and officially announce the storm is upon us.
What are your thoughts or theories on when Trump will tweet (if at all)?
When the banks collapse it will be too late. The system will be too far gone to save. If your building is structurally damaged, you do not wait until it collapses on everyone to them come in and build a new one. You get everyone to safety and then take it down. A leader never gives up on people and condemns them to death.
Banks are not the system. System is the people working hard and investing their hard earned capital to build things. Banks are the problem because they create illusion of money out of thin air and ensure no one can succeed using just their hard work.
Banks taken down DOES NOT mean people lose all their savings. Why do you think this plan is taking so long? Why do you think Trump issued all those EOs ? Why do you think we have ESG being pushed by BlackRock and companies falling on their own woke swords? Why do you think Fed and BlackRock are allowed to gobble up all the real assets in the world?
This is a controlled demolition. Trump has been setting up the charges all over the place, so that when the collapse happens (its a mathematical certainty that it will happen, nothing can stop it) it will take down all the Cabal institutions and the Elites control structure.
Yes, there will be a period of time when people will feel like they lost everything. No banks, no ATMs, etc. This is the PRECIPICE.
Only at the precipice will the people find the will to change, after they see the real plan the Evil had for us.
My guess? After the initial period of "darkness", the disclosures start, the EOs will kick in, and all assets held in Fed/BR etc will be seized and used to put the funds back into people's savings and pensions and then we will rebuild the economy from scratch, without the magic money.