Glenn Beck explains some strange events associated with a very unusual dream/vision that he has had several times...
Obviously there is no way to prove any of these things - BUT, it is sometimes better to be aware, even if there is no way to be sure. Good vs. Evil. Everyone must chose which side they are on.
Silas is scared.
Good to know that Glenn is at the beck and call of 'unknown man-of-god' who legitimizes Glenn's dream inexplicably without translation or given reason while simultaneously holding Glenn as the man God will choose to be given a dream for whatever cause......
He's warning that the military taking out the three heads of government would be of 'the devil', and says he's going 'the other way' whatever that means, because 'times are different'..........suddenly..........says the prophet, being caught unaware and so is chosen as dream prophet or some shit.
Meanwhile, be sure and choose a 'side' because 'this isn't political'.....but don't get out and do anything, just let 'god's plan' whatever that is to Glenn, take charge over The 'the other direction' with Glenn and don't let the door hit you.
I found a clip of his dream here:
You are working way too hard to read a lot of things into Glenn Beck's video that are not really there. What part of his video scares you so much that you have to twist things around to that degree?
Must be over some sort of target, eh?
Yes I'm definitely over some sort of target.
Something to do with false profits/prophets dancing in the skin of its victim.
You're saying you don't get it or don't believe it, whatever this 'it' is. ?
Always promoting the pope/catholic agenda while demonizing Pope Francis (whistleblower).
'Mormon' has interesting roots and branches both.............Billy Graham was not who some thought/think...........nothing ever is.
I suggest trying the 'Black Robe Regimen' of unconvenient truths.
'The chat comes after Beck used his huge "Restoring Honor" rally in Washington last summer to build major bridges to the evangelical world, positioning himself as a new leader for Christian conservatives.
'Given longstanding tensions between Mormons and evangelicals - Mormons consider themselves Christians, but many evangelicals do not - it seemed an unlikely role for Beck. But many prominent evangelicals have embraced him, with Beck organizing leading religious conservatives, mostly evangelicals, into a fledgling group called the Black Robed Regiment.'
Just like the cowards dressed as Indians to throw tea into the harbor that started the Revolution, supposedly......why not take full claim?
The Tea Party was another masquerade to lead to war with Beck as prophet-king. First time's a tragedy, second time's a farce.
You're watching a movie.
Like cowboy movies? Gotcha covered.
Learn the both the symbolic comms and their methods.
Did you know that 'Alien Invasion' is out of the Mormon/Theosophist playbook?
Who runs Vegas? And so on....
Don't twist his twisted words to make him a 'man of god'. And don't kill the messenger, you're welcome.