Edit: Looking for some advice again, too please. She was told she has high cholesterol and was prescribed Crestor but this is giving me a bad feeling. Doctor prescribed it due to Mom's aortic aneurysm. Said she didn't want the high cholesterol to inflate that spot, or something along those lines. So while I don't really want her taking Crestor or a statin, I don't want to run the risk of making the AAA/aneurysm worse. What would you do? I'm researching ways to lower cholesterol more naturally but also seeing a lot saying that high cholesterol ISN'T bad, so I don't know what to think.
I tell you, this last month has been hell. I've been an anxious wreck the entire time.
My Mom had her doctor's appointment to check on her BP yesterday. Just got the results today, and everything is good! I started bawling on the spot. She has high cholesterol so we'll be working on that as well, but the doctor was very concerned about my Mom's BP possibly having lead to some organ damage or severe risk of stroke or heart attack. That had me in knots waiting on the results but thank God everything was fine. We'll be getting Ivermectin as soon as it's financially feasible.
Her BP was high again, but it's all her anxiety. When she's not anxious, she's perfectly fine and the doctor even admitted that she looks great, like she has no issues. It's just the act of getting her blood pressure taken that freaks her out, and it has since I was a kid.
So sincerely thank all of you for your prayers. I can't overstate how much they meant to both of us and how much your kindness reassured us while we were as stressed out as possible. We're unusually close, so it's been...challenging on me to say the least.
Which brings me to how this brought me closer to God.
I grew up not believing in God, but I was also conflating religion with God. I don't particularly agree with religion. So much corruption and taking advantage of people. Not saying all like this, but this has been my experience. And growing up very poor with a bottomless pit of anxiety didn't help. It felt so unfair, like God just didn't care about us or our suffering, and that's why bad things continuously happened to us and would never let us better our lives.
I finally awakened to God (only God, not the movement) in 2019 due to some horrible life events that He saved me from. It was the only other time I've been stressed to my absolute max to the point of waking up with a nosebleed. I was escaping an abusive spouse, losing my home, my parents and I were about to be homeless, and God saved us from that. It could only have come to be through a miracle and it worked out beautifully. This is why you might see me on here freaking out over this movement and my fears that the financially collapse will cause us to lose our home. God gave us this home, it's perfect for us, and I want us to stay here.
So my Mom and I are big on asking God for signs. My Mom had two of her signs, ones that weren't at all likely to occur on their own, happen. I had two as well. Too unique to be coincidence. I felt in my heart that he was directly communicating to me that it would all be okay, and though it was hard to believe that completely, it was true.
God has answered our prayers, Mom is healthy, we can finally calm down, and I can't even express the relief and gratitude I feel right now. Been crying off and on all day as I come down from the giant amounts of stress.
God really is amazing, and so are all of you kind people. :D
And also, for anyone that's interested, not a word was spoken to us about Covid or the vaccine. We were required to wear masks but we kept them under our noses and a few doctors were walking around without them.
Just find what her deep interests are. Like maybe way back to childhood. That'll be what calms her down. We're all just children inside, and we each have our own little sweet spot we walked away from when we became "responsible adults".