in the past there have been lots of whistleblower murders: the celebs hung with red sashes, MS-13 got seth rich, Kemp's daughter's BF blown up in his car on the road.. they've committed genocide using war and oppression like in afghanistan, ukraine and china.
Now with the twitter files and pushback from the 22 steal we're seeing what from their side? And with Trump's announcement that he was running we get one missle from ukraine into poland, which was easily debunked when they tried to claim russia. the chinese people are being successful in their protests as the commies are loosening covid restrictions. i'm sure there's more i'm missing.
are the decks truly clear now to start arrests?
I worry about this one. How do we know for sure they have not stashed a nuke or dirty bomb. These people are fucking lunatics and they'll suicide themselves to kill / maim thousands of us at once.