They aren't "stupid" so much as they are "abject followers."
Plenty of reasonably smart, and very smart, people are out there doing all kinds of jobs and building and creating things every day.
But none of that matters when they are 100% followers of whatever the herd does, and WILL NOT do anything that might be seen as going against the herd/group/tribe.
They do not have it in them to push back. That is unthinkably dangerous because they might get kicked out of the group. The mere thought of that triggers a very primitive survival instinct that says do not offend the group because you cannot surive without them.
What is the biggest threat, the worst punishment, that Twitter/FB/ etc. can do to you?
Kicking you out of the group.
So you bet that most people will do anything to stay. They'll believe what they are told to believe and do what they are told to do.
That's what we are seeing. It's submission to the herd, not mere "stupidity" that keeps these people where they are.
Somehow you'd have to awaken a stronger instinct than the fear of being shunned to get these people to push back, and right now I don't have much of an answer for how to do that.
Some folks, when pushed, will find their courage. Others never do.
For me, overcoming that fear of being kicked out is knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that GOD (minus my free will) is in control. Has my back, Granted me life after this charade is over, Loves me (even after I've done some stupid things), And that i will greet all of my friends and family after all of THIS.
They aren't "stupid" so much as they are "abject followers."
Plenty of reasonably smart, and very smart, people are out there doing all kinds of jobs and building and creating things every day.
But none of that matters when they are 100% followers of whatever the herd does, and WILL NOT do anything that might be seen as going against the herd/group/tribe.
They do not have it in them to push back. That is unthinkably dangerous because they might get kicked out of the group. The mere thought of that triggers a very primitive survival instinct that says do not offend the group because you cannot surive without them.
What is the biggest threat, the worst punishment, that Twitter/FB/ etc. can do to you?
Kicking you out of the group.
So you bet that most people will do anything to stay. They'll believe what they are told to believe and do what they are told to do.
That's what we are seeing. It's submission to the herd, not mere "stupidity" that keeps these people where they are.
Somehow you'd have to awaken a stronger instinct than the fear of being shunned to get these people to push back, and right now I don't have much of an answer for how to do that.
Some folks, when pushed, will find their courage. Others never do.
For me, overcoming that fear of being kicked out is knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that GOD (minus my free will) is in control. Has my back, Granted me life after this charade is over, Loves me (even after I've done some stupid things), And that i will greet all of my friends and family after all of THIS.