Came here to say this. The jab is my common denominator for all of humanity now. “Wow. You are a highly educated, credentialed, high achieving, impressive person? What? You suspended critical thought, allowed yourself and your family to be propagandised into participating in a demonstrably dangerous clinical trial for no discernible reason other than you were coerced and compliant, while coming out against those who chose otherwise? Then you are a blisteringly retarded fucking moron who is a danger to my children’s future and who is facilitating the current existential threat to all our lives.”
Came here to say this. The jab is my common denominator for all of humanity now. “Wow. You are a highly educated, credentialed, high achieving, impressive person? What? You suspended critical thought, allowed yourself and your family to be propagandised into participating in a demonstrably dangerous clinical trial for no discernible reason other than you were coerced and compliant, while coming out against those who chose otherwise? Then you are a blisteringly retarded fucking moron who is a danger to my children’s future and who is facilitating the current existential threat to all our lives.”
Best fuckin post I've seen on here.