All good bro. My family all sold out as well. We lost a brother early to Covid (before the shot) and that was enough to make the rest roll up their sleeves when it came out. There are 7 of us left and I"m the only pureblood with a pure spouse and kids. I've had Covid and so have 5 of my siblings. Looks like the shot didn't do crap for them...
Yeah I've got a stepmom who had 5 boosters, and she's just fine. I don't know what's going on. I'm sorry for your loss, and I hope we don't lose too many more. God bless,
God bless you too man. I think the best way to look at the vax is it's like buying a lottery ticket with compound interest. Most people who took it are fine for now but they are definitely dying at elevated rates. This seems to get worse over time. I'm not a doctor but to me, it seems safe to say that the vaxxed have all shaved 20 years off their lives. We're going to see increased deaths for years to come. God help the kids who had their caretakers put this poison in them.
It's damn close enough for me to be disappointed in my Christian family for taking it, that's what I know.
All good bro. My family all sold out as well. We lost a brother early to Covid (before the shot) and that was enough to make the rest roll up their sleeves when it came out. There are 7 of us left and I"m the only pureblood with a pure spouse and kids. I've had Covid and so have 5 of my siblings. Looks like the shot didn't do crap for them...
Yeah I've got a stepmom who had 5 boosters, and she's just fine. I don't know what's going on. I'm sorry for your loss, and I hope we don't lose too many more. God bless,
God bless you too man. I think the best way to look at the vax is it's like buying a lottery ticket with compound interest. Most people who took it are fine for now but they are definitely dying at elevated rates. This seems to get worse over time. I'm not a doctor but to me, it seems safe to say that the vaxxed have all shaved 20 years off their lives. We're going to see increased deaths for years to come. God help the kids who had their caretakers put this poison in them.