Assange and Snowden's Twitter Suspensions have been lifted.
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Do you trust the people on Twitter you see with blue verified check marks?
Don’t they all seem to be on the same communication wavelength? Tweeting the same hot air?
I’m saying Snowden having a check mark supports him being a black hat because he’s got the badge to prove he’s part of the DS team.
Assange NOT having one—and being imprisoned/charged—suggests he’s not an enemy of the movement. Or at least, not one as aggressively on-board as our checkmark friends
Trick question? I don't trust anyone.
No, not at all. When you are only exposed to posts here, it may seem that way but this is simply not the case in the grand scheme of things.
Many people have/had the blue checks. To think all of them are "on their team" is sheer delusion.
Maybe Snowden is controlled opposition. But he blew the whistle on an important event, and while you could certainly mentally gymnasticize your way to a conclusion that the NSA were "the good guys" (they weren't, or else they wouldn't have been spying on the citizenry) it validated one of the oldest running conspiracy theories in existence, literally what created the tinfoil hat: government spying.
What this did is wake up and destroy any faith many, many people had in their governments, which is objectively a good thing.
Plus if you buy into Russia being "the good guys" then it wouldn't make sense to run to their territory if you were a bad guy and they "had it all".
Q literally addresses Snowden running to Russia, and why that’s not something that will keep him alive forever.
So you don’t know what you’re discussing. Or at least you haven’t examined the drops.
These are the clearest indications you cannot trust him.
So, I'm going to assume that when someone quotes a Q drop about things like "your family is safe" while people are having family drop dead from the vaccines, that you tend to go along with "disinformation is necessary", "the ending isn't for everyone", etc.
Well guess what? Disinformation is necessary. Additionally, the last lines are also at odds with the "Russia is the good guy!" narrative.
I would appreciate arguing in good faith.
You were not arguing in good faith earlier.
But feel free to play that card. It always comes up when I link Q drops and people don’t have a response to what is presented to them.
Anyone operating from a logical perspective saw the vaccines were, at best, useless, and, at worst, harmful.
I also do not think the drop about people and their families being safe has anything to do with biological weapons or the vaccines. In fact, aside from VACCINES [not all], nothing is coming up for me in the drops that specifically link vaccines and safety.
If you use context clues, the drops about safety connect to averting another 9/11 situation and re-assuring people that digging into this stuff won’t get anyone targeted for retaliation. Or, at least, that they’ll be protected from any kind of retaliatory action. Nothing about vaccines. I have relatives who have finally woken up to them. It took time, but it happened.
RE: Russia: we have good people on our side. We have good people in our government, even though they are outnumbered. What makes you think Russia is any different? Truly, it is foolish to lump any country currently in this game as « all on our side » or « not on our side. »
CIA vs NSA. KGB vs something I probably don’t know of, because I’m not Russian.
No one ever said this would be easy. Or that we wouldn’t lose people along the way. Q even said people on their own operations have died for the cause.
Next time you’d like to attack what kind of person I am, I suggest you have evidence to support it instead of blindly throwing accusations with nothing to back them up.
Maybe Q isn't an omnipotent deity whose every prophecy has come true. Maybe it's ok to question the motives behind Q and if they are truly trustworthy.
Q is not a prophet.
But I trust someone who calls Seth Rich a patriot far more than I do a clown praised by the MSM, Hollywood, and multiple traitors in Congress.