It’s always about the long game. Look at how many things that are going on today that were seeds being planted decades ago. It’s starts off good then matures into it’s final disgusting form. Once enough people have it decades from now they have most of humanity by the balls and then we are done. And we will have championed our demise as well. Our Armageddon will happen sooner or later and it can’t be stopped but I don’t want to cheer on a satan worshiping brain chip maker in the mean time.
It’s always about the long game. Look at how many things that are going on today that were seeds being planted decades ago. It’s starts off good then matures into it’s final disgusting form. Once enough people have it decades from now they have most of humanity by the balls and then we are done. And we will have championed our demise as well. Our Armageddon will happen sooner or later and it can’t be stopped but I don’t want to cheer on a satan worshiping brain chip maker in the mean time.
A brave new world.