Every day I read another article about how depraved the left has become.
Every day, as I read these articles, I once again lose ALL hope that we will get rid of them and get our Country back.
Folks, I pray more than most people do on a daily basis...at least once or twice an hour, for GOD to make this Country right. But I do not see it happening. I see this kind of crap happen.
And please, do not tell me what is going on behind the scenes...it may or may not be happening, but until I see the real criminals arrested and tried, behind the scenes is just another psyop and a way to keep us at bay.
Every day I read another article about how depraved the left has become. Every day, as I read these articles, I once again lose ALL hope that we will get rid of them and get our Country back.
Folks, I pray more than most people do on a daily basis...at least once or twice an hour, for GOD to make this Country right. But I do not see it happening. I see this kind of crap happen.
And please, do not tell me what is going on behind the scenes...it may or may not be happening, but until I see the real criminals arrested and tried, behind the scenes is just another psyop and a way to keep us at bay.