Maybe I’m just more easily amused than you, but watching the meltdowns on this is funny.
But I still trust that things are happening behind the scenes, and I’m good with that. I’m not waiting on Trump to announce habbenings, I’m more interested in seeing them unfold on their own.
I can see if you’re expecting Trump to be the bearer of the habbenings and something like this is announced instead then I can understand the 🧂, but then I also think this was equally done to set expectations with US, too.
Maybe I’m just more easily amused than you, but watching the meltdowns on this is funny.
But I still trust that things are happening behind the scenes, and I’m good with that. I’m not waiting on Trump to announce habbenings, I’m more interested in seeing them unfold on their own.
I can see if you’re expecting Trump to be the bearer of the habbenings and something like this is announced instead then I can understand the 🧂, but then I also think this was equally done to set expectations with US, too.