I understand White Hats and the Cabal... and human/child trafficking, and satanism, and that God has won through Jesus' sacrifice...
But what is going on between that high level and the weeds of Elon's tweets? Just a summary of your thoughts would be very helpful. I am one of those Anons who is treading water and gulping too much, trying to keep up. I wish I had more time to read or listento every link... but I don't have that luxury right now.
I want to be able to keep red-pilling people, but without a grasp of the bigger picture I feel like my efforts are not as effective as they could be. Does that make sense?
And I don't even know what question to ask of this Board, other than asking for a summary and guidance.
Its still kinda new so I guess people are still making up their minds.
My take at this early juncture is that Elon is slow-walking towards the coverup of deaths from the clotshot, the fabrication of deaths of covid to scare people towards the vax, and the shadowy figures who ordered this. All the drops so far have matched this basic recipe - the horrible truth, and then the players behind the truth. The blacklisting of supporters. Attacks on Trump. Coverups and suppression of the laptop from hell. Election attacks launched by the deepstate using twitter.
That's a path of stepping stones.. I think it leads to Fauci. Whether that the destination or more likely is just another milestone on the way to something bigger and darker.. child abuse was hinted at but not touched on yet for any leak beyond the background of Yoel Roth. Probably drug cartel and terrorist financing, probably domestic terror collab with antifa, BLM, and the dems who command them, probably ties to human trafficking and sex slavery with what ties to people like epstein/maxwell father+daughter exists.
Its the 'turning up the heat on the frog' operation. A game of chicken but we are waiting on the deep staters to panic and flee when what has been unearthed against them is so infuriating and ruinous that mobs will be hunting to tear them to pieces, limb from limb in the streets. So they can run and be chased down, or they can stay and then maybe we will see footage of what they have done to children being discussed.
I put forth the thesis that the twit files is like Q-lite for normies, and I still think its shaping up this way. The same build-up, the same induction if you will, and with the same intent. Maybe call it phase 2 of the operation if you think Q is the first inception.
Our solar system is being upgraded for the evolution of life on our planet, which requires higher levels of photon energy.
We experience that in this reality as truth magnifying and anything that cannot handle high levels of light for growth deteriorating.
It's becoming more difficult to hide behind veils of secrecy, or do things that no longer contribute to our best path forward.
My fellow Americans,
the Storm is upon us......."
God bless.
The world is a mess.
Buy ammo and canned goods.
No one can stop what is coming.
You missed this one it seems:
....it's all a movie....they control all of the narratives....
Heres a copypaste from a conversation i was having with a surprisingly friendly normie yesterday.
"The Blue checkmark was just a way to troll the entitled elite for the most part. To me, it was a slap in the face to take that away. I also think it had something to do with weeding out bots and duplicate accounts. Elon basically purchased an entire crime scene; when he bought it, he also bought all the data, archives, etc. He knew, because of Q, NSA, common sense twitter was a deep state bullhorn. Not only did he get the archived data of all their public accounts, but their private accounts as well. That's like having "Hillaries 33,000 emails" times a trillion, insurmountable amount of evidence. So what does he do? Starts releasing it all lol... Destroyed and recorded evidence of 45,000+ accounts responsible for Child exploitation/CP/Trafficking, and also Twitters data about their ignorance of this subject in general... Facebook is literally created with the same code as DARPA, which was originally a data farming service for the deep state, FBI CIA operatives, but just a public platform. Q told us this YEARS ago, 2018 2019. More shit is coming about about this topic daily that relates. Elon was just spotted with Jared Kushner @ last WC soccer game, which is extremely telling.. they dont have to hide because the good guys are still completely in control. Where is THE NEWS on these subjects?! Child trafficking, CP, Perverts in Hollywood, etc.. Creating distractions, omitting information, and lying on behalf of criminals, per usual. Theyre ramping up too cause theyre like a rabid animal backed into the corner.
This is a link to the list of links for the twitter files.
What is being revealed is.. exactly what Anons have been saying for a long time. Things that matter to the integrity of.. Freedom itself. Hunter Bidens laptop wasnt fake, or disinfo whatsoever, and it contained incredible amount of criminality. You'd vomit in your mouth if you saw some of the pics/vids I've seen... We take those slings and arrows for you. Election fraud was not a big lie, and the true "big lie" was the coverup of fraud. It was done by certain bad guys in the FBI, CIA, DHS, corrupt politicians, with our tax dollars, using fake news, all social media platforms, and of course, Dominion systems, Symantec, Ballot harvesting, ballot mules etc.. People are seeing very clearly now that censorship is and was used to manipulate elections, that the FBI knowingly helped, and they, with the help of other corrupt individuals in govts, Hollywood, w/e quite literally overthrew the dually elected president and installed what we like to call a "puppet regime" that's just linked to other foreign interests. They violated all our rights and many parts of the constitution, pretty much treason on the highest level. People are learning they lied about many different aspects of Covid and Fauci's role in all of it... hence Eons "prosecute/Fauci" comment.. We believe the good guys already had all this, but Elon releasing twitter files is just a way to get everyone focused on the drops, and to add nails to the coffins of the people involved. They have so much evidence its irrefutable at this point. But this has been happening since like, pre-Bush. Probably since JFK was assassinated. (Stuff leaking about that too) but that's why we always felt "voting doesn't matter. People are learning a lot. Elon put out a poll "Should I step down from CEO, 17 million people voted LOL & it was all just a trick to weed out twitter bots. Its a chess game, and its already been Checkmate for a while, but the enemy will continue to play until the end because they have no choice and criminals fight to the very bitter end."
X22 Report teaches me real well if yall cant tell lol