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This is the delingpole..he used to be a very well known journalist and is rich and went to school with the MPs and Boris Johnson..but woke up..had to become an independent journalist. Very Christian
The MP he interviews is from Leicestershire..middle England and Andrew stood up in parliament re the Vax..!!
Leicester is where "smallpox" was mandated by government and so many came down with rashes said to be smallpox but from toxins in the vaxx that the government was forced to stop vaxxing and everyone got better!!
Very good interview ..why only now though?
Well i have to say I believe Andrew to be totally sincere..he has been vaxxed twice...said all the MPs he knows bar one got vaxxed...this rumour they weren't required to vaxx wasn't true. It's really good to know some MPs are not parasites...he thinks the cabinet etc knew the truth and probably were not vaxxed. Said truth only really dawned on him when Boris etc had the party while we were locked down. Got a four year old son. Hope he is ok.
Things have started to move in UK.
Bridgen is a hero, shame he is vaxxed. Disgusted by the government, shower of bastards.
I'm glad to know they were in the dark as much as we were....
So glad I wrote to major supermarket showing them all the vaxx data ...as well as damage seed oils and fluoridated water in their ready meals. I asked was cattle mRNA jabbed. ..the chairman was under secretary of the conservative party.some years ago ..I wonder if he is doing anything?