Something is bothering me- Why have gas prices really dropped?
It makes no sense afaik, unless Patriots are in control and something devolution-like is going on. Let's hear it peeps.
You you chimed in after matheletes foot….got you two confused…apologies. “ Do you have a reading disability?” Apparently….Kek.
I responded to mathelete about local taxes, then you responded….I didn’t catch that you inserted yourself into the conversation…
I swear. Really. This is my third time trying to respond. The computer ate the other two. I wasn't being sarcastic. I really thought you had a reading issue. Local taxes always boil down to paying for lavishly expensive (and mostly failing) school systems churning out adults who don't have the basic skills to get a job. Anyway, hope you're having a very merry Christmas. I just made a humongous meal and am now going to vegetate.