Cates is right. We don't need the MSM to do jack $#+. And Rolling Stone today only showed us how delusional the ineffectual media is to believe that they can protect thier narrative by ridiculing us. It's clearly not working. The dam is bursting, and there's nothing they can do about it!

Brand trust? It's breakable.
It’s breakable to do degree.
The problem is that the Cabal has many trusted outlets.
If the Washington Post loses credibility.
They still have Google to push up another brand to replace it.
The Cabal is experts in marketing and promotion.
They can just boost up another source when they need to.
That is because of the brain-dead think that EVERYTHING THAT COMES OFF THAT TV IS THE TRUTH!!! I have Neighbors that DO NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE BUT WATCH TV-ALL DAY...That is the damn bible according to them!!! And a few of them are liberals anyway!!! And the rest are sheep because they can't think for themselves and when presented with knowledge that HAD NOT COME FROM ANY SOURCE(S) other than they ones the use...IT IS A CONSPIRACY!!!!
I feel the frustration friend. My mom cannot turn off CNN.