posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +79 / -0



devine intervention, again?

many decades ago, there was a user on AOL who went by the name of "CultVictim"

and that username would make me giggle when i saw it. it was memorable...

fast forward many years: I've completely forgotten about CultVictim, and have moved on to debating the fine details of vaccines.

after a while, it becomes clear to me that almost 100% of these pro-vaccine people are just remarkably obtuse.

for example, i would ask them if vaccines cause fevers, and they would flat out deny it, and deflect, and talk about all of these other hypothetical scenarios where something else might have caused the fever.

and when presented with a link, to a credible source, that shows a certain vaccine causes fever in 25% of the children who get the vaccine...

they continue to deny that any vaccine could possibly cause any fever.

and after encountering this "debate" literally dozens of times...

it became clear to me, that they all followed these basic "thought-patterns" that were remarkably irrational, un-scientific, un-supported, illogical...

and so after a while, my attention goes from debating the scientific concepts behind WHY vaccines cause fever...

... to debating the root causes for why some people seem to be incapable of accepting the fact that vaccines cause fevers.

to me, it was "abnormal psychology" for sure,

but i couldn't quite put a label on it.

until one day..

it hit me like a ton of heavy stuff.

these people are in a CULT.

[ always have been astronaut with a gun meme]

its a plain as day, to anyone who wants to see it.


why is this important?

because we have successfully given it a NAME.

its like when we started calling it FAKE NEWS,

and HOAX.

the word "CULT" brings with it an entire world of new meaning and context, to anyone who knows what the word CULT means.


in Propaganda 101, this is called "name-calling", and its highly effective way of linking a name, or concept, with something negative.

But then i remembered my old friend CultVictim,

and i had another "AH HA! moment...

If you frame it as "Vaccine Cult VICTIMS",

then you are deep-framing it to the Nth degree

  1. there exists a vaccine cult

  2. within this vaccine cult, there is a hierarchy

  3. the vaccine cult has victims

  4. people who get vaccinated are victims

  5. victims need help, to stop their abuse

  6. anyone who prevents a victim from getting help, is a bad guy.

and also...

  1. people who are vaccine-injured, are victims

  2. vaccine injured people have been censored, by the vaccine cult

  3. autism is a known vaccine injury

  4. people with autism, are vaccine cult victims.

and so by the time a "normie" sees the phrase "vaccine cult victim", the phrase is loaded with all kinds of connotations, that will surely cause them great cognitive dissonance

cue NPC eyebrows down meme.

if they attempt to un-pack the meaning of "vaccine cult victim",

they will eventually find they are looking at themselves, as the victim.

vaccine cult victim LIVE search link



Covid vaccine mandates are coming for school children in NY. If you don’t want to be a victim of this leftist demonic cult, get the heck out.


You did NOT vax to protect a family member, because vaccines DO NOT PREVENT TRANSMISSION OR INFECTION

You vaxxed because you fell victim to the biggest terror propaganda campaign in history

It's not too late to wake up & leave the cult

Save yourself, citizen